Type: Non-singleton eternal cube
Identity: Low curving, synergy driven cube
Speed: Fast
Power level: High
Mana fixing: Plentiful
Target audience: Experienced players
The goal is to create crazy and powerful engines to win the game. To achieve that you will be using some of Magic's most powerful cards.
It’s up to you to find the right payoffs, enablers and glue cards to tie the room together and really make your deck pop.
A lot of the cube is based around spell velocity (chaining together lots of spells), which has led me to slash down the mana value of most cards.
A cube is defined just as much by what is excluded than what is included. In order for the synergy decks to be the right thing to do in the format, you will not find cards that run away with the game as that would invalidate the need to build an engine in the first place. No Minsc & Boo, Timeless Heroes, no Oko, Thief of Crowns, no Broadside Bombardiers and so on.
I also cut some of the most powerful interaction spells as they make it too easy to disrupt the synergy decks. Pest Infestation is an example that will completely destroy the artifact and be wildly playable outside of the matchup. Instead, I like interaction that refunds you resources like Path to Exile, that are temporary like Memory Lapse or that have some sort of restriction like Inquisition of Kozilek.
There are combos in the cube, but no 2 card instant win ones. For example, Brain Freeze, Lion's Eye Diamond and Underworld Breach means you can mill your opponent out. Fastbond, Crucible of Worlds and Zuran Orb gives you infinite mana. I am ok with these as three pieces to assemble while drafting and during gameplay seems fair.
Breaking Singleton
Currently, I am only breaking singleton for mana fixing as I really like what a second set of Fetchlands bring to the cube. Trying to encourage broad archetypes means that you are often going to splash other colors and Fetchlands makes it easy. Also I really like having the fixing be part of the cube's web of synergies as it keeps the draft interesting.
I don’t want to be too prescriptive in detailing the archetypes present in the cube, so I’ll only give a quick overview of the main themes I support.
Spells matterThis can range from a UR tempo deck to a UB storm combo deck, with a lot of room for hybrids. Important to note that most payoffs trigger off noncreature cards. You aren't limited to instants and sorceries!
Classic UR tempo
Spicy Jeskai Ascendancy combo
Usually Black based, the archetype can be very grindy, very aggressive or even combo leaning in some cases. Again, you aren't limited to creatures. Artifacts and even lands can be used depending on which sacrifice outlets you've drafted.
Classic BR sacrifice
Spicy BG sacrifice combo
These themes also have a range of different speeds and themes at their disposal.
Classic UB discard tempo
Spicy UG self-mill combo
Usually based in Green, can be explosive ramp, land destruction or combo oriented.
Classic WG landfall midrange
Spicy RG lands control
Classic WR artifact control
Spicy UW Eggs combo
There are so many more possible decks you can draft, but this gives you an idea of what is possible. If these speak to you, give the cube a draft and surprise me!