A revision of the MTG Arena cube list, where we cut some cards for more playable ones within the same block, with a few outside the block that fit thematically.
One of my big issues with the vanilla KLR format is the mana curve distribution of the commons. They seem to be way off for certain colors. For example, white blue and green only had 3 three drops, while red had 7. When choosing the commons for the cube, I considering mana curve a bit more, and made appropriate swaps when it made sense.
There are plenty of interesting cards outside the block that fit the theme of Kaladesh. One swap I made early on was the unplayable Consulate Turret for a Revolt enabler in Conjurer's Bauble, with art that fits right into the plane of Kaladesh. The goal is to remove some of the near unplayable cards form the cube, or to provide sidegrades to already existing cards, such as Aether Spellbomb over Select for Inspection. Note that Whirler Rogue was considered over Experimental Aviator, but deemed to powerful for inclusion. The policy for swaps is they need to replace "bad" cards for "playable" ones. Added cards shouldn't take the spotlight, just compliment what's going on in the cube already.
For my own reference, list of cards from Outside the block that could work that are currently not in the cube:
Specifically referencing the plane of Kaladesh:
Gearsmith Prodigy
Whirler Rogue
Thopter Spy Network
Consul's Lieutenant
Ghirapur Aether Grid
Caustic Caterpillar
Bonded Construct
Generic Cards that could fit:
Thirst for Knowledge
Scholar of Stars
Commons can make Thopters now. No big deal.