Final Extended
(540 Card Cube)
Final Extended
Cube ID
Art by Jason ChanArt by Jason Chan
540 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by Deor18
Mana Pool$1569.47

This cube will be everything I loved about standard when I came back to the game. It will included Shards of Alara block, Zendikar
block, Scars of Mirrodin block, and Innistrad block. As well as the core sets M10, M11, and M12

Mainboard Changelist+540, -0
Anson Maddocks
dsbcubes -

Awesome. We’re testing a few things regarding this. This list will change drastically soon.

But yes! It has all the vibes of battlebox, but with a fun design flavor of ‘story sections’.

Love to hear any feedback or ideas.

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