Classically Trained: The First Five Old School Cube
(450 Card Cube)
Classically Trained: The First Five Old School Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
450 Card Unpowered Vintage Cube24 followers
Designed by HotSoup
Mana Pool$6547.89

Ethos: A Classic Cube that contains cards from 1993-1998, and is centered around the power level of Ice Age/Mirage to create fun, interactive and mildly synergistic decks. Set range is from Alpha to Exodus in order to include some key cards like Merfolk Looter and Anarchist, but stops there as the Urza's Block starts to get too broken.

Low power level, no power 9, no fast mana, little hand disruption, little land destruction, little color hate, no infinite combos, no original duals.

The design goals of the cube are to have a nostalgia drafting experience, but still have a balanced, synergistic, and interesting cube experience. The card selection doesn't seek to impose 'New World Order' on older cards, but tries to balance the colors and provide some synergy strategies and promoting mostly two-color decks that may splash for a powerful three-color legend.

To achieve this, most color-hate (Paladin en-Vec), land destruction (Armageddon), parasitic (Shadow, Banding) and truly broken or accelerant cards (Mana Vault, Fastbond, Channel) are left out of the cube. The target power level is to make Jayemdae Tome an eminently good and playable card. Also, original duals are left out in favor of painlands, taplands, and slow (Mirage) fetches to keep most decks two color, though 3-color payoffs are powerful.

Archetype Examples (though not exhaustive):

WU - Classic Control or Lantern control. Bounce, Wraths, Draw, Petra Sphinx, Field of Dreams
WB - Reanimator (both colors!). Debt of Loyalty, Resurrection, Miraculous Recovery
WR - Lowdrop aggro with anthems + burn. Army of Allah, Gerrard's Battle Cry
WG - Go-wide tokens. Asmira, Liege of the Hollows, Mongrel Pack and Overrun
UB - Board control or Steal-n-sac. Fallen Angel, Old Man of the Sea, Helm of Possession
UR - Counter-burn! Board control with Propaganda and Caverns of Despair plus burn
UG - Ramp to Big Fliers. Djinns + Efreets powered out by dorks or Wood Sage deck control
BR - Goblin Swarm. Hard black removal plus Goblin Shrine, Bombardment and Warrens
BG - Sac Ramp. Lake of the Dead, Soldevi Adnate, Basal Thrull, Su-Chi, Verdant Force, Krakilin
RG - Damage Control. Savage Twister, Earthquake, Board Control and fatties

Thinking of getting giving up on having as many 2-color guilds represented as possible by getting rid of Wood Sage, Guiding Spirit and Asmira. It's difficult because there are so few options for all 10 color pairs in the first 5 years of magic (e.g. Simic, ouch).

They would be removed in favor of just plainly more powerful multicolor cards like Dakkon Blackblade, Sol'Kanar the Swamp King, Vaevictis Asmadi, or hymn of Rebirth.

The Lantern Control-style deck hasn't really worked out, so I may start removing cards from that archetype that are only there for synergy, not power level.

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