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Hot Dog Soup
(152 Card Cube)
Hot Dog Soup
Cube ID
Art by Allison CarlArt by Allison Carl
152 Card Unpowered Cube0 followers
Designed by gnomelet
Mana Pool$260.60

The Palate Cleanser

My primary cube - Defender of the Polyverse - has evolved to be much more efficient than it was originally.

This cube is a space where I can play all of the slower, more swingy, and more narrow / combo oriented cards without stressing as much about efficient interactive game play.


  • Comparatively limited removal to allow snowballing games.
  • Relatively weak aggro to enable bigger decks to emerge.
  • Less efficient mana fixing to save on $$ and hamstring aggro.

Who knows if this will be fun, but it's worth a shot.