Defender of the Polyverse
(360 Card Cube)
Defender of the Polyverse
Cube ID
Art by Magali VilleneuveArt by Magali Villeneuve
360 Card Unpowered Cube7 followers
Designed by gnomelet
Mana Pool$1394.66

Are you brave enough? Are you enough of a game master?

An unpowered, low-curving, eternal environment. Interactive, combat-driven games where broad overlapping synergies can be combined in myriad ways.


This cube was first created in late 2022, solely from cards I own, as something to do while I laid in bed with COVID-19. It is now an ongoing project reflecting my evolving perspective on the game of Magic. Cards are foiled where convenient to do so, and a select few cards are hand altered by me because art is fun. I keep the exact versions and status of cards up-to-date in cube cobra.

Design goals

Note that my own understanding of my goals is constantly
evolving, and best outlined through my changelog posts.

This cube aims to be interactive, diverse, decision-rich, and highly re-playable, with depth of card interaction to explore. Inclusions may be powerful, but are not power motivated, instead prioritizing both draft experience and game play patterns. Drafting is non-linear, and games present meaningful decisions to both players starting on turn one.

My goal is to produce an environment where synergy, interaction, and tempo all matter, and the best decks will leverage each in varying amounts.

  1. Functional decks. Decks should have ample mana fixing, card selection, and interaction in order to perform their best.
  2. Drafter expression. Rather than prescribe decks, enable drafters to be creative. Use emergent, bottom-up design to focus on interactions between individual cards rather than along predetermined archetype lines.
  3. Interactive strategies. All strategies can be interacted with. This cube does not enable any combo or cheat strategies.
  4. Synergistic upside. Most decks will be a form of aggro, midrange, or control, and will need to consider their position on the tempo/value plane. Combining various broad synergies within these macro-archetypes provides variety and opportunity for upside.
  5. Budgeting complexity. Spend complexity on truly interesting build-arounds and avoid complexity in glue cards. Complex cards, cards without reminder text, double-faced cards, and unique mechanics must pass a high bar set arbitrarily by myself. Game-state tracking mechanics (monarch, initiative, daybound, etc.) are not present.
  6. Balanced bombs. These cards can usually win games on their own and can have a side-effect of invalidating previous game actions. These are few and far between. Expensive threats are interactive (no hexproof or shroud) and held in check by comparatively strong aggro packages and tuned removal. Bombs are still useful for driving prolonged games to a conclusion.


For those looking for a bit more detail, here's a non-comprehensive list of some of the themes and strategies available in this cube.

Pure aggro

It doesn't matter who wins second - prioritize tempo advantage.

Pure control

It only matters who attacks last - prioritize value advantage.


A high percentage of cheap spells makes this a versatile theme that can manifest in many ways.


Two sets of fetch lands and bountiful mana fixing help enable lands-first strategies.

Artifacts / enchantments

Find ways to leverage trinket artifacts for value.


Prioritize value by being resilient to removal, with potential for flicker synergies.


Pressure your opponent with incrementally larger midrange threats.

Equipment matters

Use flexible equipment creatures to build a tall, resilient, aggressive field.

Go wide

Pick from a variety of options for how to leverage a wide board.


Use your graveyard for value.

Draw and discard

Control the game using card selection to build value and cheap cantrips to maintain tempo.


Greatness, at any cost.


Have the biggest of boys.

For drafters


  • The cube has 2x fetch lands, 2x shock lands, and generally lots of fixing. Considering your mana base while drafting is important to build an optimal deck.
  • Most decks play 2 or 3 colors.
  • Many strategies interact with the graveyard. Keep an eye out for graveyard interaction for your deck and sideboard.
  • Don't expect strong "kindred" decks, combo decks, or cheat-into-play strategies.
  • Look to combine cards in novel ways rather than for prescribed archetypes.

Example decks

Uploaded decks that have performed well in previous drafts of this cube.

Draft formats

Some of the ways you can draft this cube.

8 Players

  • 3 packs of 15 (sees 360 cards)

6 Players

  • Team draft. 4 packs of 15, burn 3 at end of each pack (sees 360 cards)
  • Team draft. 3 packs of 15 as normal (sees 270 cards)

5 Players

  • 5 packs of 12, burn 2 at end of each pack (sees 300 cards)

4 Players

  • Houseman draft recommended. (sees 288 cards)
  • 5 packs of 15, burn 6 at end of each pack (sees 330 cards)

2 Player:


Suggestions welcome!

AchievementFirst AchievedWho
Fall of the Thran + Titania, Protector of Argoth10/21/2023Dom
Win with 0 cards in your library10/21/2023Dom
Win a game with 1 life remaining12/02/2023Cara
Awaken the Thing in the Ice12/02/2023Xander
Attack with an infinity/infinity creature12/13/2023Cara
Get more than 3 copies of Gruff Triplets on the field at once03/28/2024Parker
Win a match with a deck drafted from the back of an Uber05/14/2024Jen
Cast three four board-wipes in one game05/18/2024Greg
Deploy a 5/5 Territorial Kavu12/07/2024Matt D
Wrath of God on an opponent's turn
Win without reducing your opponent to 0 life
Kill yourself with Bolas's Citadel
Kill an opponent with Bolas's Citadel
Ninjutsu Moon-Circuit Hacker 3 times in a game
Win a game before turn 5
Deal 10 or more damage to your opponent with burn spells
Go 3-0 with a 5-color deck
Go 3-0 with a mono-color deck
Use Dreadhorde Arcanist to cast a spell with mana value >=3
Win a match with no basic lands in your deck

Draft Analysis

Draft data is collected and analyzed using cube tools

The fun cannot be halted.

Man-O'-War is just a straight swap for Exclusion Mage. I like the art more. I like the that it's a classic card. I like that it has more utility.

Enlightened Tutor is a cool utility card - there are a lot of juiced artifacts / enchantments floating around nowadays. You can use this to grab your win condition, removal, synergy piece, etc. Here are a few:

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