(450 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Bastien L. DeharmeArt by Bastien L. Deharme
450 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by Lizsaur
Mana Pool$693.30

Design Philosophy
-Design parameter of creating an environment utilizing the graveyard, recreating a draft experience similar to Ultimate Masters
-Power ceilings of individual cards should not be comparable to the floor of more modern cards, but rather offer a unique angle to having their abilities utilized or activated
-Average CMC: 3.05


wu Disturb Tempo
Maintain tempo with cheap spells that do double duty with inexpensive Disturb costs. Spirit subtheme.

ub(w) Reanimator
Cheat mana costs by discarding and milling, then recurring large threats.

br(u) Madness
Aggressively discard and filter through your hand for cost reduction effects and extra card draw.

rg(wub) Lands
Turn your lands into spells, tokens, and more.

gw Tokens
Outsustain your opponents with a mix of midrange token producers.

wb(r) Weenie Reanimator
Continuously recur small, resilient creatures to overwhelm your opponent.

ur(w) Jumpstart/Flashback Spells
Fuel your grave with spells you can cast again and again.

bg Threshold/Delirium/Descent The Rock
Grind opponents out while increasing the size of your graveyard AND your creatures.

rw Excavate
Utilize a plethora of exile effects to extract value and fine-tune each player’s graveyard.

gu Self-Mill
Stock your graveyard for recursion effects, to pay Escape costs, or fuel a Lab Maniac win!


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