Design Philosophy
-Design parameter of creating an environment utilizing the graveyard, recreating a draft experience similar to Ultimate Masters
-Power ceilings of individual cards should not be comparable to the floor of more modern cards, but rather offer a unique angle to having their abilities utilized or activated
-Average CMC: 3.05
Disturb Tempo
Maintain tempo with cheap spells that do double duty with inexpensive Disturb costs. Spirit subtheme.
) Reanimator
Cheat mana costs by discarding and milling, then recurring large threats.
) Madness
Aggressively discard and filter through your hand for cost reduction effects and extra card draw.
) Lands
Turn your lands into spells, tokens, and more.
Outsustain your opponents with a mix of midrange token producers.
) Weenie Reanimator
Continuously recur small, resilient creatures to overwhelm your opponent.
) Jumpstart/Flashback Spells
Fuel your grave with spells you can cast again and again.
Threshold/Delirium/Descent The Rock
Grind opponents out while increasing the size of your graveyard AND your creatures.
Utilize a plethora of exile effects to extract value and fine-tune each player’s graveyard.
Stock your graveyard for recursion effects, to pay Escape costs, or fuel a Lab Maniac win!