Glint-Eye's Getaway
(216 Card Cube)
Glint-Eye's Getaway
Cube ID
Art by Chris OstrowskiArt by Chris Ostrowski
216 Card Budget Legacy Cube2 followers
Designed by invisiblewalrus
Mana Pool$300.45

ubrg Cube for 2-4 players

Silly Guy

Glint-Eye's Getaway is a 216 card, four-color cube designed to support a variety of 2-4 player draft formats. It’s built for travel; to play when visiting friends, or with latecomers at a draft night. It is themed around dreams, adventure, and the great outdoors.

This cube mostly consists of cards first printed in draftable sets. It doesn't include any double-sided/sideways cards, planeswalkers, or cards that create complicated counters/tokens. Most cards have reminder text for non-evergreen mechanics. These all serve to minimize confusion during draft and play. Above all though, it follows my aesthetic whims and preferences, and I am a deeply inconsistent person.


Here’s the formats I recommend for drafting this cube:

Glint-Eye's Getaway is dedicated to my good friend JP, who has never passed a land in his life.

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