Glint-Eye's Getaway
(216 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (20+)
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Mainboard Changelist+40, -112

Trimming it down to 216, which allows for a 3 player Housman or 4 player draft with 6 packs of 9, but not team draft. Wanted the card choices and curve a little more focused, seeing a bigger percentage of the cube in two player drafts.

I wanted to simplify the mechanics and token types for this cube, but I realized I was doing this primarily from my own fussiness rather than actually drilling down to the goals of this cube. It is designed to facilitate big games between small numbers of enfranchised players (my old playgroup, other cube veterans). It should constantly be updating a little bit at a time as I spy fun new cards.

I do still want to make a cube even more towards some of the ideas I was working through here (low number of mechanics and tokens, less fussiness overall), but I'm realizing that it should be moved out into another cube project.

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