This is a Voltron-like deck in that it primarily wins through Commander damage with Zurgo by and large being the main threat. That being said, it can win through regular combat damage as a secondary option.
Since typical Voltron strategies would focus on one player a time which can be weaker and less fun in multiplayer, this deck also runs various chaotic and fun multiplayer-relevant cards to keep it interesting and relevant in multiplayer. This deck embraces the chaos and politics that can come up in multiplayer. In that sense, this deck is intentionally not fully optimized to its own game plan, with the belief that if it were, it'd probably be less fun overall.
Creatures in this deck tend to serve at least one of the following purposes:
Protect Zurgo directly, typically coming down before Zurgo and being able to protect him with no mana investment. This enables dropping Zurgo immediately to start swinging early.
Protect Zurgo indirectly by being enough of a threat on their own to soak up removal. Either that or win the game through regular combat damage.
Clear a path for Zurgo, mostly focused on removing chump-blockers.
Hinder opponent's ability to race, forcing them more on the defensive.
Many cards often can serve multiple purposes making them flexible, with cycling cards being the simplest examples.
This deck in general is not about sneaking damage through, but making blocking painful. Thus there's an emphasis on clearing would-be chump-blockers more-so than just clearing the board entirely or making Zurgo unblockable. There is some of this since it works well, but in general it's happy to take it slower to end the game if the opponent is forced to be sacrifing relevant creatures every turn to block.
Some fun synergistic themes include: bite/fight that take advantage of Zurgo's kill effect, symmetrical destroy/damage effects that take advantage of Zurgo's invincibility, ferocious.
Mana base prioritizes achieving at least 1 ramp before turn 4 (so Zurgo can drop turn 4) and color fixing.
In keeping with the spirit of casual Commander, this deck intentionally eschews tutoring, pure unsynergistic card draw, and lockout strategies in favor of variance and fun.