Each archetype is supported by a two color pair, however some themes extend slightly to other colors for splashing potential. Most
cards are modern but I added a couple cards originally printed in commander sets to spice things up a bit. Nothing too game
breaking or game changing though.
Obviously, any color can potentially be splashed in this, but these color combos are typically what works.
White/Blue (Splash Green): Blink & Control
Blue/Black (Splash Red): Tempo Control
Black/Red: Aggro
Blue/Red: Storm/Spellslinging, Prowess, and other spells matter things
Green/White (Splash Black): Tokens
White/Black (Splash Red): Aristocrats
Black/Green (Splash Blue): Dredge/Graveyard synergies
Red/White (Splash Blue): Burn/Prowess
Green/Blue: Value I guess?
Mono White: Weenie
Mono Blue: Control
Mono Black: Midrange
Mono Red: Burn/Aggro
Mono Green: Big Creatures/Mana ramp