Sorta Budget Sorta Modern Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Sorta Budget Sorta Modern Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
360 Card Modern Cube2 followers
Designed by ReconRaccoon
Mana Pool$691.60

Each archetype is supported by a two color pair, however some themes extend slightly to other colors for splashing potential. Most
cards are modern but I added a couple cards originally printed in commander sets to spice things up a bit. Nothing too game
breaking or game changing though.

Obviously, any color can potentially be splashed in this, but these color combos are typically what works.
White/Blue (Splash Green): Blink & Control

Blue/Black (Splash Red): Tempo Control

Black/Red: Aggro

Blue/Red: Storm/Spellslinging, Prowess, and other spells matter things

Green/White (Splash Black): Tokens

White/Black (Splash Red): Aristocrats

Black/Green (Splash Blue): Dredge/Graveyard synergies

Red/White (Splash Blue): Burn/Prowess

Green/Blue: Value I guess?

Mono White: Weenie

Mono Blue: Control

Mono Black: Midrange

Mono Red: Burn/Aggro

Mono Green: Big Creatures/Mana ramp

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