Dream States
(24 Card Cube)
Dream States
Art by Matthew D. WilsonArt by Matthew D. Wilson
24 Card Cube10 followers
Designed by dsbcubes
Mana Pool$168.64

- Dream States -

A supplemental layer of weirdness for any game

How to play
  • At the beginning of each game, 2 cards are played face up for free from the Dream States deck. These cards are a part of the game.
  • These cards are not owned by either player, but otherwise may be interacted with.
  • If a Dream States card leaves play, exile it.


In theory, you could play the Dream States deck with any Cube. If you were looking to spice things up. After all, many of these Dreams are clocks and/or speed up the play patterns.

All of the Dream States cards affect both players and are either (for now) enchantments or artifacts.

There are 24 Dream States cards, so an 8 player pod can do 3 games per match.

There are some serious and hilarious 2 card 'combos' in the Dream States deck. So sometimes you get a wildly variant game.

dsbcubes posted to Dream States -

Played some good Dream State games on top of an unbalanced Ancient Times. Very positive experience.

Take aways / swaps :

  • Don't rely to heavily on the Dreams, as when folks destroy them, you have to just go back to normal magic and play the deck you brewed. This is cool actually, and happened a lot.
  • Storm Cauldron slowed down games so it's out. It is nice when it lands with Land's Edge, but that really the only time it really slaps. Swapping in Primal Vigor, as it 'combos' with Seed the Land, Infernal Genesis and Ley Line. Which sounds fun.
  • Font of Mythos is just a crazier card draw than Anvil of Bogardan. Anvil was a proxy, and so if Font (lol)
  • We saw Awakening come up, and I played Mesmeric Orb out of my hand, which was so wild and cool that the Orb should be the mill card in here. Crumbling Sanctuary is fun, but exiles the cards, which creates less options for reanimator decks.

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