(360 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Warren MahyArt by Warren Mahy
360 Card Unpowered Vintage Cube8 followers
Designed by AshenCrow
Mana Pool$776.35
Blood, guts and salt!




  • A HEALTHY AMOUNT OF SALT: Coming from a time in Magic before EDH and also a taste for fighting games, I love salt! Not spiking your controller on the ground salt but the type of competitive interaction when you know your opponent will fuck you over in the dirtiest way they can find and expect the same from you. Like good food, every competitive interaction can be enhanced by a tasteful pinch of salt.
  • PROACTIVITY: Boardstalls are time consuming and, in my opinion, unrewarding, the perceived losing player will fry their brains trying to solve the situation at first but most people will quickly give up and do dumb stuff just to get over with it. This cube aims to promote action in all strategies, faster archetypes are norm, but even the slower decks need to be standing their ground firmly in the early game to have a solid chance.
  • COLOR IDENTITY: One of the most unique and interesting parts of Magic is what effects you have access depending on the colors you chose, this cube has strict rules on how each color gains access to card advantage and removal, for example, black removal is fairly universal but for creatures only (and sometimes lands) and no 2:1 opportunities like Ravenous Chupacabra, red has no draw or looting, only impulsive and rummage draws.
  • INTERACTION: Fast decks with cheap and focused interaction make the most cutthroat games, where you have to take risks to create openings and abuse them, the outlier to this principle is green, that tries to dodge interaction while having little access to it, both a blessing and a curse. This cube encourages having some sideboard tech, especially on the play-draw axis.

Other important fact is that I don't include planeswakers, free spells or double-faced cards.


I live in a 3rd world country so budget is a major concern, I don't aim for powermax and avoid cards that resolve the game by themselves like planeswalkers, Ragavan, Nimble Pilferer, Orcish bowmasters, etc, besides that I find powerful cards fun and aim to scale the environment with time until I find a sweet spot.



A major flaw with archetype driven cubes is that they default to linear drafting and gameplay. My solution to this problem is to give colors overlaping archetypes and flexible cards, for example Death & Taxes is supported both in wu and in wb, as a consequence of this distribution, each pair also supports 2 archetypes for Tempo is in wu too, making it possible for you to draft very different decks using a combination of all 3 colors in an archetype and all 3 archetypes in a color.

Growth (Ramp & Protection)gur

Been a while, was planning a bigger update but priorities changed, no big deal because the most important colors are getting all I want: blue (the most underdrafted color) and black (the weakest color). Secondarily I really want to weed out some stinkers.

w White w

Honestly, I don't know why I expected paladin to be relevant in this format, sure, it plays with the life costing manabase but no one's gonna play it anyway. Hopeful initiate is more of a curve addition but it fits well.

u Blue u

Having flash is incredibly important for anything blue besides the purest death and taxes decks, besides, geists is basically a Sower of temptation downgrade.

Stormwing entity is a incredibly fun magic card but this is no home for it, there's no such a thing as a prowess/spellslinger deck here so the discount plays weird by forcing you to play spells you would rather cast at instant speed. I don't need to introduce fother fucking snapcaster mage to you if you're reading this.

Rogue isn't bad per se but the taxes deck doesn't curve well into it and the flash deck doesn't want to tap out to cast it. Harbinger seems like it was made specifically for this environment holy shit, I love Blood moon and the blue version to slot in the taxes deck is just perfect.

b Black b

Black is getting a big overhaul, MH3 was a godsend for powerful, flexible aristocrats cards and that was what my cube was needing the most (besides green flash creatures wotc please). Changing a bit of the format since most changes aren't really 1:1.


All cool cards that are either slow, narrow or both.


Very excited to see how these play out, even the seemingly narrow aristocrats cards can be a blessing for inevitability and/or explosiveness of other decks, also shout ot to bob (Dark confidant), certified baller.

r Red r

Feldon was pretty much a pipe dream in this format, I knew it would be hard to make it work since I've included him but it was even worse, I didn't get the chance to see him being awful because no one ever put him in a deck, in hindsight it was incredibly obvious. Given this oportunity I lowered the curve since red 3s are so incredibly stacked and 1 drops are so vital.

Magmatic insight isn't really a bad card, just painfully unexciting. This is the perfect time to introduce Price of progress since the manabase just got a massive boost.

g Green g

Green has a lot of narrow ass cards laying around, despite the colors having a lot of creature tutors, these cards still don't play well in the situations you could tutor them or their synergies.


I don't really like any of these cards, besides Beast Within, and the format doesn't really support it.


The main goal is too smooth out green's curve as much as possible, the mana dorks are incredibly powerful and the other two are flexible proactive plays.

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