(144 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Bruce BrenneiseArt by Bruce Brenneise
144 Card Commander Multiplayer Vintage Cube3 followers
Designed by lithiumsorbet
Mana Pool$470.94

Cloned from Irrelevent's DESCEND INTO AVERNUS [Grixis] with modifications

ubr Commander Cube

Draft 3 packs of 10 cards (or 11 if starting out) to build a commander deck

3-4 player multiplayer

100 starting life

20 card deck

Each player starts with a Descent into Avernus in play that cannot leave the battlefield

Don't bother with lands

(There's also a fairly intuitive tiebreak rule. If all players go below 0 life at the same time, the player with the life total closest to 0 wins.)

Overview / Design Principles
  • Players should be able to draft a coherent deck, not just a pile of cards.
  • Gameplay, while swingy, should not be purely chaotic. Players should feel agency and that their actions impact the game.
  • No huge power outliers. Each P1P1 should have multiple cards someone would be excited to choose.
  • A variety of strategies and archetypes should be viable, including card interactions that the designer did not seed or anticipate.
  • There's a desire to achieve regularly emergent gameplay, novel Magic experiences, and replayability with <150 cards.
  • Draft and gameplay should take 1-1.5hrs.
Archetypes & Colors

Each color is uniquely strong at a few things. Additionally, each color pair has suggested (though by no means limiting) archetypes in addition to the commander-specific and Grixis options.

u Efficient stack interaction

Blue is able to do a little bit of everything. It has the highest proportion of instant-speed effects and the most efficient counterspells.

b Creature removal, lifegain, recursion

Black specializes in creature removal. It also can play a longer game with lifegain effects and graveyard recursion.

r Copies & redirection, mana generation

Red brings the highest proportion of copies and forks. It also has the best ways to generate a mana advantage.

ub Creatures / Flash Control

Control the board and the stack with flash creatures and blink effects. Games end quickly, so have a way to turn the corner.

ur Spellslinger

Storm off with X-spells, or copy opponents' spells for your own needs.

br "Pingers"

Put permanents into play that limit opponents' options and hasten the end of the game.

Mill & Anti-Mill

With 20-card decks, mill is a potent strategy. Be sure to have a plan!

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