This is the counterpart to my Commander cube.
Drafting this is step 1 (of 2- it's very simple) of drafting that cube. Before the main draft begins, each player drafts 1 pack of 10 cards out of this pool, taking two cards with each pick, and passing to the right. This means it's only five picks/passes total, so it's a very quick and simple extra step. (Of course, your mileage may vary if drafting with players who are unfamiliar with a majority of the cards.)
This seeded pack has no special significance in deckbuilding or gameplay and serves only to offer a solid variety of jumping-off points and backup options. You can play any legend you pull from any pack either as your commander, or in your maindeck (provided it fits your ultimately chosen commander's color identity, of course).
Players will pick up ten potentially very powerful cards right away, but color ID rules render nearly all of them mutually exclusive, so this doesn't tend to skew final builds much.
This cube is mostly designed with the intent of players building 3- or 4-color decks, so to that end this pool contains all 3- or 4-color legends, or partners. Excluding perhaps some of the monocolor partners, which largely exist to facilitate any desired color identity, each commander has enough support included in the main cube to be built around in a fun and viable way.
There are no commanders included by design. 4-color goodstuff is already quite an attractive option, and I'd prefer the decks that come out of this cube be largely synergy- rather than goodstuff-based to begin with.
In addition to what's present in this pool, the main cube also includes a decent handful of viable commanders (10 tricolors + 20 additional partners). There's really tons of options.
That said, the cube is not built to function without this commander pool. The main cube is not seeded with enough potential commanders to present a satisfying experience; it's ideal for drafters to first lay eyes on a couple dozen commanders this in this round.
The Prismatic Piper is also available of course, though I can't imagine ever needing it. Also, it should go without saying, but the Nephilim are considered legendary here. It just makes sense. Make it happen, cowards at WotC.