(560 Card Cube)
Art by Daren BaderArt by Daren Bader
560 Card Budget Modern Cube26 followers
Designed by RolyMac
Mana Pool$785.77
πŸ₯ˆ Welcome to BEST-OF-THE-REST! πŸ₯ˆ

560 Cards · Fair Stuff · Est. 2015 · Last Updated: ❄Kaldheim
My Other Cubes: πŸ₯‡Prime · πŸ₯‰Classic

A Tier-2 cube aiming for Fair, Synergy-Driven Magic that still feels powerful.

This is my secondary Cube, focusing on a slightly less powerful pool of cards. Many of them are cuts from my main list that ended up in a binder. With this project I give them some extra life, while showcasing fun archetypes like Flicker, Flash and +1/+1 Counters, which have been pushed out at higher power levels.

The key design constraint is that it uses my Prime Cube as its Ban List. That means NO STAPLES like Llanowar Elves, Lightning Bolt or Counterspell. The result is a fresh and diverse gameplay experience with less frequently cubed cards. Hope you like it 😎 !

  • βš– FAIR MANA – Mana rocks are in short supply. Only Green has ramp, and it's tame.
  • βœ” ZERO COMBO – Games go longer, and are focused on the board.
  • β™» SYNERGY FOCUSED – Clear draft archetypes, but goodstuff is always an option.
  • πŸ§™β€β™€οΈ VERY FEW PLANESWALKERS – Games are won with creatures mainly.
  • β˜” WEAKER 1-DROPS – Slower aggro, so decks have more time to develop.
  • ➰ FEWER β€˜USUAL SUSPECTS’ – Contains less of the commonly cubed cards.


β€Š1. wu FLICKER MIDRANGE πŸ”— Example Deck
Harvest that sweet ETB value by using blink, copy, bounce and recursion engines.

β€Š2. ub TRADITIONAL CONTROL πŸ”— Example Deck
Kill all their creatures, pull ahead with draw and countermagic, then end it with your finisher.

β€Š3. br DISRUPTIVE AGGRO πŸ”— Example Deck
Rush in with the cube's fastest aggro clock, backed up by hand disruption. Warriors!

β€Š4. rg FIRES AGGRO πŸ”— Example Deck
Stomp them to a pulp with high-power beaters and haste enablers. Burn for extra reach!

β€Š5. gw GRO-WIDE MIDRANGE πŸ”— Example Deck
Curve out and stack anthems. Then wade in. Many +1/+1 counter payoffs.

β€Š6. wb SAC-FOR-VALUE MIDRANGE πŸ”— Example Deck
Bleed them dry with recurring creatures, drainers and sac outlets.

β€Š7. ur SPELLS AGGRO πŸ”— Example Deck
Profit from prowess and spell triggers to out-race or out-value your enemy.

β€Š8. bg GRAVEYARD MIDRANGE πŸ”— Example Deck
Grind them down with graveyard-powered threats and recursion.

β€Š9. rw TOKEN AGGRO πŸ”— Example Deck
Dump a handful of tokens, followed by an anthem. Then turn 'em sideways.

β€Š10. gu FLASH MIDRANGE πŸ”— Example Deck
Make instant-speed tempo plays, with flash creatures, bounce effects and counterspells.

β€Š11. wubrg SPELL-BASED RAMP πŸ”— Example Deck
Combine non-creature ramp / fixing with earthquakes, then power out endgame haymakers.

We have a great community with 100+ players who drafted this cube. It owes its existence to their continued support and love of the format.

A thrill to draft in real life. I prefer clean set-foil versions, for consistency and legibility. Sleeved and sealed in Dragonshield Black Mattes.

Huge fan of Nick from, his writing helped me understand the importance of tempo in Cube. SirFunchalot's Fairstuff List and DrRuler's Boardgame Cube also informed many card choices. Currently, I enjoy learning from and participating in the MTG Subreddit, so pm me there if you have any feedback or ideas!

πŸ€Ήβ€β™‚οΈ DRAFT WITH US!
If you're in town, definitely get in touch and we'll assemble a pod! Very open to newcomers and crusty veterans alike!

Consider giving it a quick draft right here!
Thanks for looking πŸ˜„ !

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