(560 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Todd LockwoodArt by Todd Lockwood
560 Card Unpowered Premodern Cube155 followers
Designed by RolyMac
Mana Pool$2752.25
πŸ₯‰ Welcome to CLASSIC! πŸ₯‰

560 Cards · Old Frame · Est. 2019 · Last Updated: 15 Dec 2024
My Other Cubes: πŸ₯‡Prime · πŸ₯ˆBest-of-the-Rest 

Nostalgic Aesthetics + Contemporary Design.

My Cardboard Time Machine to MTG's Golden Age β˜€!

'97 Frame (🌴 Mirage – 🐲 Scourge) is our main constraint, with a few inclusions that are even older. No modern retroframe printings muddying the waters. Only the pre-8th card pool that's no longer expanding.

After years of tuning, I'm really proud of this environment. It lets players experience the way Magic used to be. Despite the simpler pieces, games feel streamlined by today's standards (thanks to key singleton breaks and ample fixing).

Hope you like it πŸ‘΄ !!


1. wu TRADITIONAL CONTROL πŸ”— Example Deck
Neuter them with sweepers, counters, defensive removal and control magic while potentially leveraging enchantment recursion.

2. ub REANIMATOR CONTROL πŸ”— Example 1 Β· 2 Β· 3
Cycle or loot away a finisher, then reanimate it ahead of schedule. Usually not all-in combo but more midrangey!

3. br BLITZ AGGRO πŸ”— Example Deck Β· 2
The cube's most aggressive creatures and excellent removal, along with recursion tools .

4. rg PONZA MIDRANGE πŸ”— Example Deck Β· 2 Β· 3
Accelerate into land destruction using your mana elves, while deploying cheap threats. Ensure a critical mass of mana denial cards (8+ ideally), not forgetting those that are lands / artifacts.

5. gw GO-WIDE MIDRANGE πŸ”— Example 1 Β· 2
Frequently Naya, sometimes Bant. Muster a wide board with tokens, then pump and swing. Early plays are mana elves or tappers usually.

6. wb REMOVAL-HEAVY CONTROL πŸ”— Example Deck Β· 2
Generate card advantage by destroying their creatures with 2-for-1's and utilize ETBs + recursion engines to dominate the late game!

7.ur BURN TEMPO πŸ”— Example Deck Β· 2
Beaters and burn to knock down life totals and cheap interaction to control the game.

8. bg THE ROCK πŸ”— Example Deck
Pulverize the opposition with value-heavy plays, resilient threats and stellar removal.

9. rw WEENIE AGGRO πŸ”— Example Deck
A flood of angry one- and two-drops, complemented by anthems and burn.

10. gu TEMPO MIDRANGE πŸ”— Example Deck Β· 2
Plenty of interaction coupled with robust / evasive beaters and countermagic.

11. rgx SPELL-BASED RAMP πŸ”— Example 1 Β· 2 Β·3
Purge the board with sweepers, while ramping into late-game monsters.

12. w MONO WHITE πŸ”— Example Deck
All about protection from X and the 1, 2, 3 curve-out. Pick mana disruption highly!

13. u MONO BLUE CONTROL πŸ”— Example Deck
Draw-Go, with copious counter spells, control magics and smugness! Big flyers to mop up.

14. b MONO BLACK MIDRANGE πŸ”— Example Deck
Plenty removal, fast-paced clocks and recursion. Just don't bleed to death.

15. r MONO RED AGGRO πŸ”— Example Deck
Maximum speed, maximum consistency, maximum goblins. 20 to 0, you know the drill.

16. g MONO GREEN STOMPY πŸ”— Example Deck
Bulky threats, ahead of schedule. Very limited interaction, so end things quickly.


We have a great community of players, many of whom remember playing these cards in Type 2 long ago! The Classic Cube owes its existence to their continued support and enjoyment of the format.

A absolute thrill to draft in real life. Old-bordered foils are extremely beautiful and playing with exclusively classic framed decks is a joy. Sleeved and sealed in Dragonshield Copper Mattes, to tonally match the brown card back.

The original design was informed by the following lists: TRK27's Mirage to Apocalypse, darkquarterer's Nostalgic Dreams and blakfishy's Old Border Cube. Thanks to the creators! More recently, I've taken inspiration from Glyptonychus's Middle School Cube. And as always, shout out to Nick from, whose writing helped me understand the importance of tempo in Cube.

πŸ€Ήβ€β™‚οΈ DRAFT WITH US!
If you're in town, definitely get in touch and we'll assemble a pod! Very welcoming to newcomers and crusty veterans alike!

Please consider giving a quick Playtest, I check and comment on every deck! Thanks for looking :) !
Roland πŸ˜„

Pre-Cubenight Update β˜„

After a looong hiatus, the Classic Cube is getting drafted again next week!

To celebrate, I'm making these adjustments that some experienced players suggested last time:

The most efficient steal-effects like Control Magic and Legacy's Allure are just too strong for this environment. Persuasion should be ok at 5 mana. The 4 MV ones with drawbacks ( Abduction, Binding Grasp ) are staying in for now.

I don't really want to support Mono White Aggro anymore. Super boring to draft, play and play against. So Crusade and Divine Sacrament are gone. Instead we have some extra control pieces in Cessation and Spirit Link. And Miraculous Recovery on an Eternal Dragon opens up a cool line.

Strafe slots into red decks that focus on the mid- to late game.

Ambush Commander is one swingy army-in-a-can, but it might bolster GWx Go-Wide strategies. And mono-green of course ( Priest of Titania! ).

Penumbra Wurm is neat with various Reanimation shenanigans. Looking at you, Recurring Nightmare.

That's it, have a great festive season πŸŽ„ ! Happy cubing!

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