ARCHIVE - Balanced Budget Cube
(455 Card Cube)
ARCHIVE - Balanced Budget Cube
Cube ID
Art by Mark PooleArt by Mark Poole
455 Card Budget Vintage Cube22 followers
Designed by donaldkmagic
Mana Pool$113.36

This is a budget cube that is balanced by the power of the secondary market! Each mono-color section has a total price cap of $11-ish, according to CubeCobra USD prices. Other sections are not strictly price capped, but maintain a budget spirit.

At the moment, this is just a regular budget list without the color-balance restriction.

I've set aside this iteration of a low-cost, low-powered cube for now. For a more current take with a similar mindset, see my Retail Cube


My goal is to create an environment more powerful than a retail limited environment while still focusing on creature combat. I want the cube to highlight powerful, fun cards from draft and standard formats past that no longer have a home in a current power-max environment. Those who enjoy power-max environments will still find many familiar faces here as well.

I want the ability to draft this cube virtually and play games through MTGO. As a result, all cards must be MTGO legal and there are no special in-draft or gameplay rules.

I want the game state in paper to be easily represented through cards, tokens, and dice. I'm avoiding cards with memory requirements spanning multiple turns (pairing with another creature, Renown, Monstrous etc).

In keeping with the desired retail draft feel, I want there to be about 1 ETB tapped fixing land per pack, on average. This build uses the DMU domain-typed lands to boost a few cards that care about the basic land types.

Draft Notes Snow

This cube is played with Snow basics to enable a handful of fun cards. Snow is not a theme in the cube. You should evaluate each Snow card with the assumption that your only other Snow cards will be basic lands.

Relevant Creature Types

This cube does not have any all-in, dedicated tribal decks. However, there are a few cards that care about a creature type:


Humans are present in all colors, but are more prevalent in White, Black and Red.


Sprits are primarily in White and Blue.

Warrior (and Samurai)

Warriors are primarily in Red, White and Black

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