The Cube of Many Things
(551 Card Cube)
The Cube of Many Things
Art by Eric WilkersonArt by Eric Wilkerson
551 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by fissionessence
Mana Pool$919.25

I designed this Cube as a way to play with some of my favorite archetypes. I've never been interested in the Cubes that contain "the greatest hits of Magic" or "all the old top-tier Constructed decks in Cube format."

Instead, I started with u/r dice-rolling and built out from there. The Cube contains dice-rolling, host & augment, Attractions, changeling synergies, life manipulation, Doctor Who, and more.

Note that there are a few rules changes for the Cube:

Changed Cards — A handful of cards have been modified for use in the Cube. Specifically, a few coin-flip cards, such as Stitch in Time, have been modified to roll d6 instead, in order to function as part of the dice-rolling archetype. In addition, Comet, Stellar Pup is a u/r card rather than r/w.

Rarity — Unlike most Cubes, this one uses rarity. Rarity is indicated by inner sleeve color (from BCW). Commons are white, uncommons are green, rares and blue, and the "mythic" cards from the Bonus Sheet are in sparkly/holo inner sleeves. Rarities are assigned in Cube creation and are not based on any official rarity, including the printed rarity. Each pack contains 8 commons, 4 uncommons, 2 rares, and 1 card from the Bonus Sheet. Cards on the Bonus Sheet are not built to be part of any of the archetypes.

Host & Augment — This mechanism from Unstable allows two cards to fuse into one, creating modified power and toughness and abilities triggers. Normal rules require a player to play both a host and Augment creature from hand. In this Cube, players draft only hosts. A separate Augment deck is available to all players. Whenever a host creature enters the battlefield under your control, look at the top two cards of the Augment deck, draw one, and put the other on the bottom.

Attractions — This mechanism from Unfinity puts special Attraction artifacts onto the battlefield that trigger Visits based on dice rolls. Some card effects instruct a player to "open an Attraction." In Unfinity draft, a player must draft a deck of at least three Attractions if they wish to open any. In this Cube, Attractions are not available for drafting. Instead, a separate Attraction deck is available to all players. If an effect would open an attraction, the player looks at the top two cards of the Attraction deck, opens one of them, and puts the other on the bottom.

Planechase — This mechanism from Planechase, Doctor Who, and a couple other multiplayer-focused sets has plane and phenomenon cards that can have drastic effects on the game. A player can roll the planar die, which can cause the plane to change or for a "chaos ensues" effect to trigger. There are two major changes to the system: 1) When you planeswalk, look at the top two cards of the planar deck, choose one to planeswalk to, and put the other on the bottom; 2) Each game starts with the active plane The Fragile Calm. This plane says "Rolling the planar die costs an additional 5," "When you planeswalk away from The Fragile Calm, you may have each player gain 10 life," and "When chaos ensues, planeswalk. Then, chaos ensues." Because of The Fragile Calm, Planechase will not affect most games; however, there are a few cards in the Cube which will instruct players to planeswalk or have chaos ensue. These effects work normally.

Luck — This system is still in progress, but it's designed to make dice-rolling cards inherently synergistic with each other. Luck is a type of counter that players can have (like energy). After you roll a die, if you didn't spend luck to modify that die roll, you gain 1 luck. While rolling a die, you may spend 2 luck to increase or decrease that die value by 1. If you roll more than one die at a time (e.g. Circuits Act), these luck rules apply individually to each die. If an effect has you roll extra dice and ignore certain results (e.g. Barbarian Class), ignored rolls do not generate luck.

w/u Flicker — Use cards with enters-the-battlefield abilities like Man-o'-War, Clocknapper, and Karmic Guide multiple times through the use of effects that would have them re-enter the battlefield, such as Charming Prince, Brago, King Eternal, and Ghostly Flicker.

u/b Ninjas — Use creatures with powerful evasive abilities such as Veiling Oddity and Changeling Outcast to get through with ninjutsu creatures such as Ninja of the Deep Hours and Silent-Blade Oni. There are also Ninja-type synergies with cards like Silver-Fur Master and Smoke Shroud.

b/r Storm — Chain a bunch of spells like Seething Song, Beseech the Mirror, and Past in Flames, with the help of effects like Crypt Ghast, Storm-Kiln Artist, and Dream Devourer, in order to go off with Empty the Warrens, Young Pyromancer, Tor Wauki the Younger, or the like.

r/g Paradox — Cast spells from anywhere other than your hand, such as Rift Bolt, Gaea's Will, and Sarulf's Packmate, in order to trigger the likes of Iraxxa, Empress of Mars, Sisterhood of Karn, and Flaming Tyrannosaurus. Use cards like Bloodbraid Elf and Into the Time Vortex for more triggers.

g/w Auras — Cast some cheap and/or powerful creatures like Beloved Princess, Silhana Ledgewalker, and Troll Ascetic and then enchant them with Auras like Elephant Guide, Armadillo Cloak, and Rancor. Gain extra advantage with the likes of Tanglespan Lookout and Kor Spiritdancer.

w/b Life Manipulation — Use life-gain cards like Triumph of Saint Katherine, Gumdrop Poisoner, and Gift of Orzhova in order to afford powerful life expenditures for cards like Black Market Connections, Unspeakable Symbol, and Life Insurance.

b/g Graveyard — Fill up your graveyard with Golgari Grave-Troll, Deadbridge Chant, and Skull Prophet to power out effects like Avatar of Woe, Ghoultree, Nighthowler. Or use the graveyard to reanimte large creatures with cards like Rise of the Witch-king and Summon Undead.

g/u Artifact Tokens — Create artifact tokens, especially Clues, with cards like Tireless Tracker, City of Death, and Secrets of the Key. Use Clues to draw extra cards for cards like Lorescale Coatl and Wizard Class or use your plethora of artifacts for Thoughtcast, Urza, Lord High Artificer, or Rampage of the Clans.

u/r Dice — Roll a bunch of dice with cards like Circuits Act, Socketed Sprocketer, and Myra the Magnificent (and her Attractions!) in order to build up luck (see the rules for luck above) for more consistent rolls later for important effects like Stitch in Time and Yusri, Fortune's Flame (see the rules for changed cards above)—or just use the rolls to repeatedly trigger Feywild Trickster and Wyll, Blade of Frontiers!

r/w Changelings — Collect all the changelings you can, such as Mirror Entity, Fire-Belly Changeling, and Valiant Changeling in order to benefit from a variety of creature-type-buffing effects, including the partner pair of Sylvia Brightspear and Khorvath Brightflame as well as Regal Caracal and Crucible of Fire. The red cards lean into Dragons, such as with Kolaghan Warmonger, while white leans into Knights like Inspiring Veteran.

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