Innistrad block (extended)
(613 Card Cube)
Innistrad block (extended)
Art by Martina FačkováArt by Martina Fačková
613 Card Set Cube1 follower
Designed by mindreeper2420
Mana Pool$348.08
From the Planes of Innistrad

Back in 2010 - 2011, I came back to playing Magic after years away. When Innistrad launched, it became one of my favorite sets and the entire block kept me playing in Standard until they rotated out. With the release of Innistrad Remastered, I wanted to create a cube utilizing the Innistrad blocks and sets as an homage to one of my favorite planes.

This cube consists of the following blocks & sets:
Innistrad: Innistrad [ISD], Dark Ascension [DKA], Avacyn Restored [AVR]
Shadows Over Innistrad: Shadows Over Innistrad [SOI], Eldritch Moon [EMN]
Innistrad 2021: Midnight Hunt [MID], Crimson Vow [VOW]
Remasters: Innistrad Remastered [INR]

w-u Spirits

Fly over the planes of Innistrad, keeping your opponent on their toes with combat and interactions.

r-b Vampires

Side with one of the vampiric families to decide the fate of those around.

g-r Werewolves

Wait for the curse of the moon to take hold and smash your opponent.

u-b Zombies

Return from the grave to swarm anyone on the battlefield with never ending creatures.

g-w Humans

Come together as a community to fight back the evil that stalks the township.

c Eldrazi

Slowly they invade, taking over as the most feared beings on the plane.

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