Innistrad block (extended)
(613 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (12)
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Mainboard Changelist+115, -0

First pass at adding the White cards to the cube.

Mainboard Changelist+95, -1

Adding the first batch of Red to the cube.

Adding the first batch of lands - more to come as I locate them in my piles.

Adding the first set of Green cards to the cube! Any duplicate removal/treatment updates will be done without posts.

Adding the first stack of blue cards covering ISD, MID, SOI, EMN, VOW, and DKA.

Any duplicates will be removed separately and foils will be marked in future updates.

Opened some INR packs at the prerelease and pulled cards that I think will be a good fit to start the cube. Adding those now with the mindset that I might remove them in the future.

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