Raveyard Cube -- Somewhere between an Innistrad remixed cube and a Spooky cube lies the Raveyard cube. Enjoy Spooky vibes and (g)Raveyard synergies combined with sleek elegance of budget and simplicity.
(Featured at Washington State Cube Championships)
Design goals:
1)Evocative of Innistrad blocks. In terms of power level, complexity, and gameplay.
2) Tribal themes should be supported and competitive: Humans, Vampires, Spirits, Zombies, & Werewolves.
3) Budget -- almost all cards under 5$
Tribal, Spells, Investigate, Madness, Self-Mill
Notable Breaks from expectation:
All cards are singleton except for Ash Barrens which has 4 copies.
Triarch Praetorian is errata'd to be a zombie.
Exsanguinator Cavalry is errata'd to say "whenever a vampire you control..." instead of Knight.
Enter the Raveyard...If you dare!
These come in a few varieties. Cheap threats (1-2 mana value) that pressure your opponent:
Midrange threats that provide value over time:
And expensive threats that end the game:
Answer one thing cheaply:
Answer multiple things:
Multi-deck enablers: