The Modern Hipster
(540 Card Cube)
The Modern Hipster
Art by Dan Dos SantosArt by Dan Dos Santos
540 Card Modern Cube19 followers
Designed by Aitrus
Mana Pool$633.24

The modern hipster is a cube featuring unusual, lower powered cards from modern sets in standard card frames.

No glitz. No double faced cards, adventures, commander cards, or split cards; no foils, secret lairs, extended art or alternate art. Just the simple, clean, consistent aesthetic of modern cards in the modern card frame.

Intuitive Mechanics No cumbersome tracking issues, complicated rules text, or secret combos. Cards are easy to understand and board states are easy to process.

Authentic magic. The power level is closer to retail limited than conventional cubes, allowing more cards to work. Pump spells are playable, bombs are beatable, card advantage is earned, and synergy is rewarded.

Core Themes

Modified Creatures
Counters, Equipment, Auras, Heroic

Draw, Discard, Cycle, Reanimate

Party, Ally, Spirit, Vampire

Rules References

Changeling only adds creature types - it does not count as cartouche or arcane. You cannot splice blessed breath onto nameless inversion.

If you bestow it is no longer a creature - a bestowed indebted spirit will not trigger celestial kirin and you cannot "flash bestow" with scout's warning or rattlechains. A bestow creature is also only an aura when bestowed (cannot be tutored with tallowisp).

Changelings have the army creature type - amass will put counters on changelings instead of creating a token. If you control an army token and a changeling you choose where to place the counters.

Gods are creatures by default in all zones, devotion count is only active while on the battlefield. You can use vigor mortis on thassa, god of the sea with one blue devotion as it is a creature in the graveyard even though it will not be on the battlefield.

Tallowisp cannot find rune of mortality (“enchant permanent”) but runes can be used to reanimate evershrike (aura with valid target).

Attaching auras with evershrike or rise of glory requires legal targets for the auras - the aura is not cast so does not target, it will not trigger heroic but can bypass shroud.

A card with “do x if y” always triggers and checks for the condition, but “if y do x” only triggers if condition is met. You can pump a creature with Mayael's Aria on the stack - but you cannot volatile claws to make demons for Liliana's contract.

A few years back I noticed that my modern low-powered cube had a high count of vampires supporting various archetypes, and decided to introduce vampires as its own archetype by adding a few tribal payoffs. Here are some of my thoughts and experiences on integrating the tribe into my cube environment.

Instead of vampire creatures supporting broader themes (lifegain, counters, madness, sacrifice) the vampire archetype amasses the same vampires but uses tribal payoffs for synergy.

What Works

Vampire lords with reasonable base stats and a tribal “boon” that applies to themselves like vampire nocturnus, indulgent aristocrat and kalastria highborn. Notably each requires some maneuvering to be effective, and can generate good value with just 1 other vampire on the battlefield.

“Minor Boons”. Cards that work without any other vampires at all, but can get some incremental value if you have vampires around. Examples include gift of fangs, urge to feed, blade of the bloodchief, falkenrath pit gorger and stromkirk bloodthief. Cards like these are excellent for signalling to the drafter that vampires are a thing they can pursue, without dedicating too many slots to “vampire deck exclusive” payoffs.

What Doesn’t Work

“Anthem lords”. Cards like stromkirk captain, captivating vampire and markov baron tend to be feast or famine - you either draft the nut vampire deck and consistently have 3 vampires on the battlefield to make these guys pop, or you dont and have to try and get there with scathe zombies. Anthem lords are largely responsible for the perception that tribal archetypes suck in cube. They are swingy, and they don’t introduce especially interesting decisions.

White vampires. There aren’t that many to choose from, so you have to add cards you might not otherwise want to just to get critical mass. The third colour also fragments the draft since white players may now attempt to get into the archetype - spreading it thinner and reducing the likelihood of monoblack materializing. While I really like Mavren Fein, Dusk Apostle as a vampire lord, I think it's best to not have 3 colours for vampires, and red works much better as the complimentary colour to black.

One sided wraths. Some medium-looking cards are still too powerful for a board-centric low powered cube where removal is clunky and/or at a premium. Examples include anwon, the ruin sage and vampire’s vengeance. Amazing vampire payoffs, but just too strong at what they do.

What Kind of Works

Red vampires - specifically the “saboteur” ones that get counters when you damage an opponent. I like this effect, especially with the madness of bloodmad vampire, the sacrifice payoff of havengul vampire, the counter synergy of falkenrath exterminator or the aggro side of stromkirk noble. I’m less happy with it when one hit snowballs out of control like falkenrath marauders and markov blademaster, and I’ve been relatively underwhelmed with it as a lord effect. I’ve tried rakish heir and stensia masquerade but both seemed to be really swingy in effect. Sometimes they do nothing, sometimes they snowball out of control quickly.

Blood tokens. I hate these thematically but love them mechanically. They go with discard and sacrifice themes that vampires can already contribute to which is great. Unfortunately most of them have very medium stats, or specifically call out blood tokens for their effects when the cube won’t realistically have more than a few sources of blood tokens. I wish these had been balanced around “sacrificing a permanent” in more cases, with the blood token representing a single baked in trigger for the vampire.

Vampires provide a lot of relevant text for various broad archetypes or themes in cube, and with just a handful of interesting lords and minor boons you can introduce a full fledged archetype out of cards that may have mostly already been there anyways.

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