Zerdan’s Cubexperience Overview page
(1224 Card Cube)
Zerdan’s Cubexperience Overview page
Art by Alexandre LeoniArt by Alexandre Leoni
1224 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by Zerdan
Mana Pool$22071.09

This is a overview page of a project I have, it will all cards I shall have in total in this project as in side A and side B

The idea is that this box with some basic lands, should give variety of experiences to choose from, and work with many different amounts of people for enjoyable games.

I shall order these from biggest card count to lowest.

  1. Box Tower (612 cards)
    If you feel like having a game without too much setup, the box works as a ready to play pile as it is, deal each player a hand and you are good to go. Recommended for 2-6 players, if bigger than that i'd recommend making separate pods.

  2. Vintage Draft (540 cards)
    If you want to see what the most powerful of magic has to offer, this is for you. This draft scales from 2 players to 12 players, where scaling is intended to drop out the weakest cards each time while maintaining balance.

Several "Add-Ons" available

  • Conspiracy package, that will be a 16th card on each booster this adds a whackiness to draft with Uncards, Vanguards while maintaining strong power. Assume these cards to often be first picks on your pack.

  • Universes Beyond package, if someone drafts a Lore Seeker or casts Booster Tutor this package has some Iconic characters from collection of Universes to be added to your games.

  • Unpowered option, This options allows you to drop the power outliners that can often make some ungames.

  • Untrap the draft, this drops few cards that are considered trap cards, flip these cards around and you dont have to worry about traps while drafting.

  1. Commander Vintage draft.
    Want to have all that power but play together instead of 1v1, try Commander draft.

Should work also as Oathbreaker or combination, more rules on the page below.


  1. Uncube (360 Cards)
    You feel like being Silly or want to take it easy? Draft Uncube, full of cards where desing is that you and others have fun, while playing.


This one includes a 120 card addon, that will make this a direct Commander Uncube, adding a blast of Universe Beyond cards, These games will make you have fun while showing off some Universes where Wizards have gone so far.

This addon has it own Cubecobra page so it can be playtested, it can be found here.


  1. Degenerate Microcube (192 Cards)
    A copy of Andy's Degenrate Microcube, smaller decks and condesated fun, I made a copy of original so if original lives, card list is saved to my copy.


Designer restrictions:

At the overview level the restrictions come from both functionality of this project

  • 2 Cards designed to be in same cube can't be printed on the same physical card.

Rest of the restrctions come from my personal preferences:

  • The Card type on the back of card, can't be same as its on front.
  • The color should be different on the back of the card, from front of the card.

Link to excel where I'm a figuring out what card goes behind what card.

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