Z Degenerate 192
(192 Card Cube)
Z Degenerate 192
Art by Mathias KollrosArt by Mathias Kollros
192 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by Zerdan
Mana Pool$3553.47

8 Player Version

Read the Primer on the Degenerate Micro Cube Here

The Degenerate Micro Cube is a 192 card cube that uses draft, deckbuilding, and gameplay rules adapted from Max Hero’s 15 Card Singularity format:

  • Cards are drafted in 2 packs of 12 cards
  • The minimum deck size is reduced from 40 cards to 15 cards
  • Players do not lose the game if they would draw a card from an empty library

Under these conditions, the Degenerate Micro Cube pursues many of Magic’s most broken and degenerate strategies. The present macro-archetypes are better described as combo, stax/prison, and control, rather than the more prevalent aggro, midrange, and control.

This is a copy of Degenerate Micro-Cube to have this as a option on my Cubexperience, more about it here:

The scaling from 8 to 2 players was done by User called: @Mursu

8 Player Degenerate:

6 Player Degenerate:

4 Player Degenerate:

2 Player Degenerate:

Designer Notes:

As this this is just a copy of other people's work, my main concern was to fit the cards in the big project in a way that they don't go over each other.

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