Char's Unpowered 432
(432 Card Cube)
Char's Unpowered 432
Cube ID
Art by Nils HammArt by Nils Hamm
432 Card Silver-bordered Unpowered Legacy+ Cube6 followers
Designed by Chars
Mana Pool$8924.20

This cube has gone through many facelifts, starting out as an unpowered vintage cube wannabe. Over 400 drafts of my cube later, I've come to realize that the most fun I have in limited comes from combos. So, I've heeded to the call of the jank. Many cards have been power crept and are intentionally left in the cube, but after many iterations and struggles, the final philosophy of this cube has come as follows;


Given the above information, you can assume that the cube is a bunch of decks mashed together, with a load of linear combos that only work with each other. Well, you'd be wrong! This cube has been carefully curated to ensure that no matter the card you take, there is more than one combo, more than one deck that is suited for it. Though I have spent a long while making this cube, there have been many outside influences on it, too (of course). Multiple users have helped me through having their cubes up, suggestions on site and off, and of course feedback by drafting. Thank you! Without further ado, let's look at some examples of what's available to play in the cube;

Example Builds
w Hammertime

A very fun modern deck in cube format! Find the titular Colossus Hammer with Stoneforge Mystic, then attach it to Inkmoth Nexus with Sigarda's Aid for a one turn kill with infect, or attach it to another creature and swing away! I like to play this as a Yu-Gi-Oh! style package and slot it into a deck with an existing theme, as most of the w cards want to do. Be wary of hate cards that prevent infect counters or destroy your artifacts, like Melira, Sylvok Outcast or Titania's Song!

wu/b/r Artifacts

The big 3 in artifact recursion, being Myr Retriever, Junk Diver, and Scrap Trawler are notorious for creating loops. Combine them and others with the w artifact recursion cards, the biggest being being Teshar, Ancestor's Apostle and Auriok Salvagers, to create loads of value! Auriok Salvagers's best friends are included in the cube too, Lion's Eye Diamond and Pyrite Spellbomb! If you need more, you can pair them with Tameshi, Reality Architect or Preston, the Vanisher to keep going. Another fun combo is Magical Hacker making planeswalkers' ultimate free. For this line, try using Dakkon, Shadow Slayer or Daretti, Ingenious Iconoclast's ultimate along with Biotransference as a pseudo reanimate! Much the same, Goblin Welder, Intruder Alarm, and any modular creature such as Arcbound Ravager along with another artifact creature, preferably something evasive like Ornithopter or Gingerbrute, combos by infinitely recurring a modular creature, being Arcbound Ravager or any other, to put counters on another artifact creature, then winning by either combat, aristocrat pings such as Disciple of the Vault, or Fling. This works with Goblin Engineer along with Ornithopter of Paradise too if Goblin Welder is MIA. This deck wants some of the Copy Artifact type effects and card draw that discards, such as Faithless Looting or Bazaar of Baghdad, as well as other mill effects like Sarinth Steelseeker and Emry, Lurker of the Loch to draw as quickly and efficiently as possible to find all of your combo pieces.

ub Ninjas

Ninjas are a perfect example of a simple, straightforward, and fun archetype. Ninjas are a tempo archetype, opposite of Tokens, which are just as simple to play but all about rush down. When drafting ninjas, try to take removal and bounce spells such as Fatal Push or Snap respectively to make way for your creatures to connect so you can ninjutsu in your ninjas. Make a point to play evasive creatures too so you're not relying entirely on removal. Creatures such as Gingerbrute can hit through blockers if needed, allowing you to ninjutsu your Fallen Shinobi, Mist-Syndicate Naga, or any other ninja for big value. Satoru Umezawa also helps you get a ton of value! To increase complexity, you can also go for Great Whale & High Tide lines for infinites, as well as Dour Port-Mage plays to draw loads of cards!

rg/u Tokens

Similar to Ninjas, Tokens are simple but enjoyable. Tokens, on the other hand, are much more aggressive. Token producers are incredibly valuable in this archetype, including cards such as Chatterfang, Squirrel General, Kari Zev, Skyship Raider, and Gallia of the Endless Dance. Setting up draw engines and token generation is vital for this strategy, which is why cards like Skullclamp and Rite of Harmony can be used to great effect. Glimpse of Nature only works with cards you cast, not tokens, meaning you will not draw on token production when using it. Grab other token producers, including Sticky Fingers, Myr Sire, Academy Manufactor, Seasoned Pyromancer, and Hard Evidence. There are plenty of payoffs for having token creatures, most notably Gut, True Soul Zealot, which pushes massive damage. Goblin Engineer, Goblin Welder, and Nettlecyst work wonders if the deck has plenty of artifacts.

rg/b Exile

What would exile be without Food Chain? Food Chain allows you to sacrifice a creature and exile it for mana to spend on creatures. This works very well with creatures that allow you to summon them from exile, like Squee, the Immortal and Eternal Scourge, to give you infinite mana. This allows you to look for and cast some great finishers with Genesis Hydra, which can be a finisher in its own right, but can also find Craterhoof Behemoth or other huge baddies to close the game out. Outside of infinites, there's many ways to gain mana from Food Chain. One of the best is creatures with evoke, like Ingot Chewer. Cast Ingot Chewer for its evoke cost (1 mana) then sacrifice it to Food Chain for 6 mana, its CMC +1, a 5 mana gain! Outside of Food Chain shenanigans, discard looks to gain value turn over turn or in bursts through cards such as Faldorn, Dread Wolf Herald and Prosper, Tome-Bound to get a payoff from exiling, Gallia of the Endless Dance for slow discarding, along with Hell Mongrel, Putrid Imp, and Containment Construct for big plays. The latter, Containment Construct, works especially well with Bazaar of Baghdad and Jeskai Ascendancy.

wgb/r Persist

Persist is very strong here, easily able to go infinite by sacrificing the creature with persist while having a way to prevent the -1/-1 counters. Most of the time, the counters are going to be negated by cards like Solemnity, Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Melira, Sylvok Outcast, or Metallic Mimic. Sacrifice the persist creatures to outlets such as Viscera Seer, Carrion Feeder, Mons's Goblin Waiters, or in the case of Lesser Masticore, Krark-Clan Ironworks. These persist loops can be used to win in many different ways, Bridge from Below will make infinite zombies while you recur, Luminous Broodmoth with Solemnity more or less grants every creature persist, Preston, the Vanisher can make infinite tokens with persist, Fling can easily be lethal with enough sacrificing either of Arcbound Ravager or to Carrion Feeder or Lithatog, Pyre-Sledge Arsonist or Disciple of the Vault can kill the opponent, too!

gr/w Land Destruction

Land destruction is a powerful package here, focusing on sacrificing your own lands through outlets such as Zuran Orb, Mons's Goblin Waiters, Greater Gargadon, and Rain of Filth for value from cards like Titania, Protector of Argoth for 5/3 Elementals, Pyre-Sledge Arsonist to burn, and even cards like Juri, Master of the Revue with either a sacrifice outlet or Fling to close out the game! To shorten the clock, or to bring more value past the first wave of land sacrificing, bring your lands back and do it again with Splendid Reclamation or Second Sunrise effects! These bring landfall strategies to the next level and allow cards like Valakut Exploration to become killers!

ur/b/g Storm

Storm is a very complex archetype that when drafted correctly is the best available, but when played incorrectly is the most inconsistent. The main core of Storm is in u, with the focus being on heavy mana generation from High Tide paired with untappers such as Turnabout, Great Whale, Snap, or Frantic Search to get enough mana to churn out cheap spells through cards like Mind's Desire, Lier, Disciple of the Drowned, and the many cantrips for high storm counts to finish the opponent with a big Brain Freeze. There are many cards outside of u that help facilitate Storm's plan, such as the spell doublers in r, being Bonus Round, Krark, the Thumbless, and Dualcaster Mage. Also in r, Guttersnipe can be a surprise win, and Past in Flames allows you to replay your cards from the graveyard, an effect also available in b from Yawgmoth's Will. b's tutors, like Demonic Tutor for fetching your combo pieces, card draw, think Night's Whisper to extend, disruption, such as Thoughtseize to stop counters, and removal, mostly cheap cards like Dismember to stay alive, are also very enticing for a storm deck. Available in g, Chatterstorm is an excellent finisher if you cannot find Brain Freeze or get into Storm late. Six is also in g, and works wonderfully in Storm, allowing you to crack your Lion's Eye Diamond for mana, replay it with Six, then crack it again. Six works best with urg, having discard enablers in r and notably Anger allow Six to really shine. The Lion's Eye Diamond play is a little complicated, in theory, however all you have to do is have Six on the battlefield without summoning sickness, cast Lion's Eye Diamond, cast a card that allows you to search your deck for a land to put into your hand, such as Traverse the Ulvenwald, and crack Lion's Eye Diamond in response. This will allow you to continue your plays, recur whatever you need to, including Lion's Eye Diamond if you have something else in your graveyard that can forward your plays already, and allows you to still find a land from Six's attack trigger to possibly extend. Finally, there are multiple multicolored cards that work great with Storm, most notably Goblin Electromancer in u-r and Manamorphose in r-g. Storm is an archetype that can make use of basically any cheap instant or sorcery, making it a somewhat flexible archetype, however it is also one of the more difficult ones to pilot.

wur Silver Border Top

This is not a strong archetype, however Sensei's Divining Top has a permanent spot in all of my EDH decks, and it felt wrong to not highlight it in cube. The idea is to play Yet Another Aether Vortex with Split Screen and Sensei's Divining Top in play to make multiple libraries to manipulate your top decks. This works even better when you copy your Split Screen with cards like Copy Artifact or Mirrormade to make even more decks for even more top decks to manipulate. You can also use The Reality Chip, Augur of Autumn, Mirri's Guile, etc as substitutes, albeit not quite as good, for Sensei's Divining Top. The Reality Chip also works wonderfully in conjunction with Sensei's Divining Top, allowing you to draw a card for the price of the Sensei's Divining Top and it's activation, thus allowing you to really chew through your deck quickly. Use tutors like Enlightened Tutor or Tinker to find your pieces, then use an outlet like Mons's Goblin Waiters to plow through lands to get what you want on top of your libraries.

Closing Thoughts

Given the amount of overlap in combos, you do not have to have every card in packs to have a great time. Here are my recommended pack sizes:

44 / 615 / 18
54 / 715 / 12
6415 / 18
8315 / 18

You are free to draft however you like, these are simply my recommendations. In the same regards, every example combo seen on this primer is just a recommendation. There are so many other incidental combos that you can stumble upon. That is the beauty of this cube, everything synergizes so well together that the potential is only limited by what you can see. Thank you for reading and drafting, and have fun cubing!

Maybeboard Changelist+0, -1
Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

g continues to get better, introducing a better token payoff might incentivize some more g drafting!

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