UPDATE 8/24/2021: With the intent of adding fun cards, cutting problematic archetypes, and expanding the cube total size to accommodate 2x pods of four, major updates to cards! Biggest changes are removal of steal and sac (too hard to build in enough support), and replaced this with an improved artifact matters subtheme. Draft format has changed slightly (see rules at bottom).
Welcome!3DH cube seeks to combine the joy of seeking for synergy and complex interactions found in EDH deck building with the
challenge and strategy of draft.
Intended Players- This cube is geared towards players who like brewing commander decks (and tolerate draft) as well as those who love a good draft. The initial commander sub-draft gives players some key archetypes to go off of, and more enthusiastic drafters can play around in the draft and slide into lanes and commanders at will.
Power level- This cube wants to make fun high CMC cards playable- which can be a nice reprieve from playgroups where CMC of 6 becomes borderline unplayable.
Competition: This cube strives to avoid locked in deck lanes. I have prioritized deck archetypes that cut across color identities so
that each deck type/color identity has competition. Cards have been prioritized that cut across multiple archetypes- Felidar Retreat for example slots into enchantress and +1/+1 counters, as well as landfall synergies with green.
Commander Selection: Commanders are found in the Commander sub-draft, as well as a host of legendary creatures in the main body of draft. All sub-draft commanders are supported by archetypes within the main draft- an although drafters may have any legendary creature in the main draft as their commander- they are not intentionally supported.
Few Auto-picks: I have (mostly) excluded automatic 'pack one pick one' choices- no sol ring or command tower. Each choice carries a cost, as it should be in a draft environment.
More Games Are Better!: I tried to limit cards that delay the conclusion of the game (mass land destruction, heavy stax). There are a limited number of board wipes
Flexible Ban-List: Fastbond!
Major Deck Themes/synergies:
Graveyard: these commanders benefit from self-mill and utilize recursive abilities to grind out value:
Combat Matters These commanders gain advantage through combat, either by forcing others to swing, or by getting bonuses for attacking
Spells Spells, Spells, Spells!
Steal/Copy stealing other's stuff- always fun. Benefit from synergies with mill, wheels, steal effects and sacrifice effects.
Sacrifice: Sacrificing creatures, recursion, value
Sneak/Ramp: prioritizing ways to get big creatures out fast
Smaller Themes:
Mass Destruction
Lands Matter: Major update to help includes fetch and slow fetch, increased land drop enablers.
+1/+1 counters: look for persist creatures to provide serious value-
How To Draft
Draft guidelines:
designed for pod of 4 (but can run 3-8)
3 packs of 20 cards each. Commander sub-draft cards are seeded- 2 in packs one and two, one in pack three. https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/5e4c5649c95999161c29d233 . These commanders ARE NOT allowed to be included in the body of a deck. Pass left, pass right, pass left.... 2 picks per pack.
Deck construction- final deck size is 60 cards total, (typical 59 +plus commander). Average land base is 24-26.
Relaxed Color Identity: Commander Color identity is determined by standard rules. Major Change: We've made some changes to decrease the cost of speculating on cards: Main deck cards only need to be able to be cast using Commander colors- activated abilities and hybrid mana do not limit inclusion. This means any deck can run any signet. Dual sided cards can be run if only one side can be cast with commander color identity. Lands are also relaxed- any land, any deck (obviously there is a cost to including an off color land). Cards from the Commander Sub-Draft ARE NOT allowed to be included in the body of a deck. BUT, legendary creatures from the main-body draft CAN be designated as a commander (but there may be less support).
Game play is standard commander- 40 life, 4 players. Enjoy!
Hope you enjoy! If you have any thoughts, ideas or contributions, please leave a comment
Special Thanks-
I really appreciate LMAdams for introducing me to cube- take a look at "The Rube Cube" for his list
Many of the commander specific considerations and structure I took from Johnny Crass' cube- as heard on Commander's Brew podcast,
episode 199 (https://player.fm/series/commanders-brew/commander-cube-wjohnny-crass-1991)
Maramas: provided an excellent article on how to better write up this preview! Thanks!