Budget EDH Cube Remix
(540 Card Cube)
Budget EDH Cube Remix
Art by Jedd ChevrierArt by Jedd Chevrier
540 Card Cube7 followers
Designed by nisellama
Mana Pool$429.65

This is a budget 4-6-8 player Commander cube, which focuses on recreating the spirit of casual commander games. Many cards have multiple purpose and the spread is pretty even among the colors. The purpose of this cube is just for personal use and casual game nights. I'm still revisiting some of the colorless options but overall I'm pretty pleased with the state of this list!

As a budget costraint I tried to keep the majority of the cube under 1,00 € (excluding a couple of personal favourites) with a hard cap under 2,00 €.

This cube was heavily inspired by BEDHC (Budget EDH Cube) 4-player from AvalancheMaster, and their series of articles about building a budget commander deck.

Important draft information:

• Meant to be drafted by 4, 6 or 8 players in 3 packs of 20 cards.
• Played in either a 4-person pod, or two 3-person pods.
• You pick two cards with each pick.
• Packs are fully random but seeded with 1 land picked at random from the ones in the cube.
• Two copies of The Prismatic Piper are available to all players, per player.

Important deckbuilding information:

• Decks + Commanders are 60 cards total, no more, no less.
• Staring life is 40.
• Commander damage rule does apply.
• All cards in your deck have to follow your Commander’s color identity.

Commanders Selection

There are 70 Commanders in this cube. 20 of those have "Partner" and can be partnered with other commanders that have "Partner" (or with The Prismatic Piper).

  • There are 4 Partner commander per color.
  • There are 50 Commanders with more than one color in their color identity.
    • 3 Commanders per each guild for a total of 30
    • 2 Commanders per each tri-colored clan (Abzan, Mardu, Sultai, Jeskai, Temor) for a total of 10
    • 2 Commanders per each tri-colored shard (Grixis, Jund, Bant, Esper, Naya) for a total of 10
Environment & Archetypes

This is an aggressive cube where games are usually won through combat damage, and attacking is incentivized through various means. Each color keeps their strong identity and most of the cards are not narrow in their use and can go into multiple decks, serving different roles under different commanders.

Tokens, bolstering and attacking for value is a strong theme across each color. There's also a small theme of cheating cards into play from the deck or graveyard, copy effects, and extening your hand with casting from exile.

You'll find an emphasis on Multiplayer Matter cards, either with cards that directly reference multiplayer (Custodi Squire, Frontier Warmonger), cards that get better when facing numerous opponents (Gray Merchant of Asphodel), and cards that encourage politics at the table (Fact or Fiction, Sin Prodder).

The Average Mana Value (CMC) of the cube is ~3.5. Most cards are in the 2-5 mana Range, but you'll find more high drops in this cube, than you'll find one drops.

Curses! Monarchy! Sagas! Loyalty!

I wanted to include in this cube some of my favorite multiplayer mechanics and type of permanents that I really like. Each color has one curse card that incentivize targetting your opponents and one "court" card to bring the monarch token in play. There are also other cards that can affect the monarch in each color such as Palace Jailer or Custodi Lich. Both of these mechanics encourage a combat centric environment.

I included also a bunch of sagas and some classes! When sagas first came out I really enjoyed the value one could get by playing them (History of Benalia, Kumano Faces Kakkazan), and I see classes as another evolution of that. These cards can grant you some costant effects and value in this heavily randomized environment. These are also in line with some of the card that give the player multiple options to choose and adapt to the situation.

Speaking of multiple options, each color has 2 planeswalker cards in this list! Planeswalker in commander can be less strong that in a normal game of magic, but in this environment you're not granted an immediate response so these can be a win condition or open your way to your next bg drop. This being a budget cube means that the planeswalker cards featured are different from the usual names one could expect!

After the manabase and the colorless stuff I intend to go through each color and review some of the card choices, trying to also pick something anusual but in line with the concept of this cube. In order to do this I started looking at every single card for each color on scryfall, with the only limitetions of it beaing less than or equal to 1.00 € in price. Let me tell you.. there are A LOT!

That's been said, let's stard this color review and update going in wubrg order and... I have to start with the color I undersand the least!

I never got White

I want to preface this by saying that white is the color I resonate the least in magic, and so I just started looking for fun cards and abilities I wanted to implement in my cube. I find it hard to evaluate the power level of white cards, and I have a lot to work with because there are 3,383 white cards under 1.00 € to chose from according to Scryfall.

What I wanted to put in white for this cube is a token strategy, bolstering and flying creatures. There are also a lot of enchantments, some blink support and a couple of wrath effects in this color. During the research I'm doing for this cube I also discovered some new and interesting mechanics that I was missing from. One great example would be the disturb ability and the versatility you get out of it. I want to include option select in the cube and cards like Lunarch Veteran and Twinblade Geist are exactly that. These and other cards are part of a value card group that can solt in more than one archetype, and there are cards like Thalia's Lieutenant that synergies with multiple color since human is a prominent creature type in the cube, or Tithe Taker that can slow down the game for a more risky strategy in every deck with white in it.

This being white though and since I pointed out the flyiers as a possible theme, let's talk about angels. The higher end of the curve is all about big flying threats with a lot of text that can teally impact the board. I personally like Firemane Commando because it makes things move, and actio is one of the thing I'd like to have in this cube. Always in the flying department, but not strictly in the angels section, we have some unusual cards such as Silverwing Squadron and Zephyrim, but als staples like Restoration Angel

As I say in the cube overview, each color has two planeswalker and in white we have some great options. Bothe of these are not from my time with the game and they look pretty awesome to me for the budget. These cards are great value and want to keep you on the white game plan.

This are the four partner commander that I included in the color but these are good not only when in the command zone but as a legend in the deck itself. While as your commander you can build some neat equipment and aura synergy or stay really hard on the blink plan. Most important, you can give another partner commander a faithful dog friend.

All things said and one, the White portion of this cube closes in at:


For a total of 72 white cards.

In conclusion

I'm pretty happy with the state of white, I have already reviewed blue and black but I'll make a post for each one at a later time. Also, there are still cards in the "maybe" pile that might get their time to shine after some more testing. Let's keep track of where we are, this is easy with just one color.

Updated color sections

  • White
  • [] Blue
  • [] Black
  • [] Red
  • [] Green
  • Colorless
  • Lands
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