360 Powered Synergy Cube
(360 Card Cube)
360 Powered Synergy Cube
Art by Christopher RushArt by Christopher Rush
360 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by vitalsyntax
Mana Pool$34715.89
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A&M's Powered Synergy Cube v2.0

360 Cards · Est. 2023 · Last Updated: 4/2/24

  • 🃏 PROXIES - Cards over $1000 are proxied during actual draft.
  • 🕒 IN-PROGRESS - Some cards are marked as 'Not owned'
  • 💎 POWERED - All 9 power cards can be drafted.
  • 🔁 SYNERGY - Almost every card synergizes with a primary archetypes or is generically good.
  • FAVORITES - Some pet cards are included to please our play group.
  • 🏆 META - Most usual suspects are included, with the goal of showcasing Magic's most powerful cards.
  • 🌟 BLING - Old borders, foils, promos, borderless, and altered cards.
  • 📦 STORAGE - Dragonshield Sapphire, KMC Heavy inners, and black Dragonshield cube shells (v2).
  • 📚 INFLUENCES - Based on the holiday vintage cube for MTGO and LSV Youtube videos.

540 Version: https://cubecobra.com/cube/overview/63832d5eb259564d5f7dbe80

Best Cards (According to LSV)


Primary Achetypes
  1. w Human Aggro
    Aggressive human tribal strategy with some stax pieces.

  1. wu Control
    Permission deck that outsmarts your opponent.

  1. br Rakdos Mid-range
    Efficient removal and hand disruption backed by bad-ass creatures.

  1. r Burn
    Blazing fast way to kill your opponent.

  1. g Elves
    Snowball or combo to an overun effect.

  1. ubr Storm
    Make all the copies of your favorite storm spells.

  1. u Artifacts
    Colorless mana ramp and big pay offs.

  1. b Reanimator
    Bring back powerful creatures from the graveyard.

  1. ur Sneak & Show
    Cheat the best creatures into play from your hand.

  1. ur Tinker
    Cheat the best artifacts into play.

  1. ubr Wheels
    Combine wheel effects with payoff or strip your opponent's hand.

  1. rw Boros Aggro
    Best two color aggro deck.

  1. ur Izzet Tempo
    A bit of aggro mix with control.

  1. gu Simic Midrange
    A bit of green midrange mixed with blue control.

  1. rg Stompy
    Lots of ramp and big creatures.

  1. ub Doomsday
    Thassa's Oracle combo deck.
  2. w Token Aggro
    Aggressive mono white deck that generates lots of small tokens.
  3. w Heliod Combo
    Walking Ballista + Heliod combo deck.
  4. u Mono-Blue Tempo
    Mono control tempo deck.
  5. Infinite Mana
    All the mana, and mana sinks.
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