Powered Grixis Twobert
(180 Card Cube)
Powered Grixis Twobert
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
180 Card Cube2 followers
Designed by waberry
Mana Pool$19668.17

This cube was originally cloned from http://cubecobra.com/cube/list/355ug

Cube Goals:

Include crazy, high-power, game-ending combos that I personally find enjoyable, yet are hard to include in a normal cube for a variety of reasons. The goal is to feel somewhat like mirror matches between Legacy/Vintage combo matches.

There should be a variety of interaction so games have to be carefully planned and don't end on the spot. There should be enough counterspells, hand-disruption, and counterplay to disrupt the available combos.

I do want some "control decks" without combos (generally blue based) to be able to exist that kill with game ending creatures as well.

Cards I'm wondering if I should include or if theyre almost too powerful as interaction - Stifle, Flusterstorm.

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