The Horror Of Innistrad
(360 Card Cube)
The Horror Of Innistrad
Art by Ryan YeeArt by Ryan Yee
360 Card Set Cube119 followers
Designed by ScenicStump
Mana Pool$495.00
πŸŽƒ The Horror Of Innistrad πŸ‘»

Explore the horrors of Innistrad with the best cards and themes from all of the Innistrad sets, along with other thematic cards set on the plane. Relish in the flavor of Innistrad; this cube occasionally prioritizes it over power. Pick a creature type or strategy and survive the horrors lurking around every corner (or join them)!

Draft Archetype Cheat Sheet

wg Humans | wu Spirits | ub Zombies | br Vampires | rg Werewolves

wb Reanimate | bg Graveyard | ug Value | ur Spells | wr Aggro

Ally-Colored Kindred Archetypes

The major decks in the cube! Pick a create type and go nuts. Each receives ample support and payoff. While you don't have to pick and stick to a single create type, that's likely how you'll find the best success.

wg Humans

Surrounded on all sides, humans must band together to stand up against the darkness. Grab some of the best werewolves to join your army, and get ready to mob down your opponents. Form a coven and go wide to fend off what lurks in the night. If you're lucky, and if your prayers are answered, you might receive some help from Gisela, Sigarda, or even Avacyn herself!

wu Spirits

Hovering in and out of reality, the spirits of Innistrad weren't granted the Blessed Sleep. Instead, they're doomed to fly over the heads of Innistrad's denizens eternally. You'll want to take advantage of this - focus on evasion. With a strong suite of removal, your spirits should have no problem getting through. Fly high and torment your foes, and they'll be wishing they could even get their feet off the ground.

ub Zombies

Innistrad's never-ending horde of zombies sprout up wherever bodies fall. You'll want to keep your graveyard healthily-stocked to fuel your opponent's relentless nightmare. Go for your opponent's brains with huge creatures that keep coming back, or overwhelm them with decayed zombies that keep coming. Harvest your grave to cheat-out powerful creatures and watch your enemies quake in fear.

br Vampires

Go for the throat with Innistrad's nobles. To satiate your appetite, you'll want to swing in early and often, powering up your blood-crazed army. Vampires want blood - and you'll want to draw as much of it as possible to keep your vampires in a frenzy. If you're lucky, you might even turn some of your opponent's creatures to your side after teaching them of the sanguine tastes they're missing.

rg Werewolves

Embrace your feral nature with Innistrad's werewolves. Be prepared to fight - these savage monsters love to take care of your opponent's creatures on the way to victory. Be aggressive and ferocious with big attacks early, before your opponent can find a cure for your lycanthropy!

Enemy-Colored Strategy Archetypes

Build around an enemy-colored strategy! You'll likely span multiple creature types, and focus on core synergies between your picks.

wb Reanimate

What dies on Innistrad is doomed to return! Use black's many mill spells to put powerful creatures into your graveyard, and then cheat them out to overwhelm your opponent. Along the way, take advantage of your suit of removal to stave off the hordes of attackers.

bg Graveyard

Go delirious as you shovel your resources into your graveyard, and then harvest those resources for a huge advantage! Fill your yard and then recur threats or drop huge bombs like spider spawning!

ug Value

Be relentless with your value. Recur your spells to gain incremental advantage, and then finish off your opponent after ramping to a huge threat. Investigate new ways to draw cards so that you can outlive and outvalue!

ur Spells

Harness the souls of damned geists to fuel your spells. Draw spells and remove your opponent's creatures while you power up your own huge threats! Use flashback and cost-reducers to keep the magic going.

wr Aggro

Go-wide and go hard! Overwhelm your opponent with a suite of cheat, fast threats, keeping your opponent subdued with a suite of combat tricks. Finish off your opponent before they know what hit them!

Cube inspired by CubeDraft and The MTG Multiverse Project

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

Needed The Meathook Massacre for my other cube, thought I'd look through more recent cards for a replacement. Dreadmobile seems super fun here, and more in line with the power level of the cube.

Considering going through the recent sets (MH3, commander products, March of the Machine, etc.) and updating this cube for the first time in a while. The change might come with a refocus on the goals of the cube using what I've learned about cube design over the past couple years!

For those who have made cubes inspired by mine, let me know what recent cards you've enjoyed from Magic's best plane :)

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