Pre-Cubenight Update ☄

After a looong hiatus, the Classic Cube is getting drafted again next week!

To celebrate, I'm making these adjustments that some experienced players suggested last time:

The most efficient steal-effects like Control Magic and Legacy's Allure are just too strong for this environment. Persuasion should be ok at 5 mana. The 4 MV ones with drawbacks ( Abduction, Binding Grasp ) are staying in for now.

I don't really want to support Mono White Aggro anymore. Super boring to draft, play and play against. So Crusade and Divine Sacrament are gone. Instead we have some extra control pieces in Cessation and Spirit Link. And Miraculous Recovery on an Eternal Dragon opens up a cool line.

Strafe slots into red decks that focus on the mid- to late game.

Ambush Commander is one swingy army-in-a-can, but it might bolster GWx Go-Wide strategies. And mono-green of course ( Priest of Titania! ).

Penumbra Wurm is neat with various Reanimation shenanigans. Looking at you, Recurring Nightmare.

That's it, have a great festive season 🎄 ! Happy cubing!