Cloned from The Peasant Cube 2024
TABLE OF CONTENTS:Welcome to The Peasant Cube. This box has been built after several years trying to play cards that are good by themselves, but also fun and sinergistic with several archetypes. Many of the cards I use are powerful commons and uncommons, which win games by themselves sometimes. The idea was to create an environment good for them, but also trying to stay healthy within the Cube. On the Strix Scale, this Cube is between a 7 and an 8 for a Peasant environment.
The only Rare cards here are these:
You could also try things like these:
‘Blink’, also called ‘Flicker’, is a deck archetype that temporarily exiles its own permanents and brings them back into play for the purposes of re-triggering their enters-the-battlefield abilities (ETB), getting repeated value.
The two main components to this archetype are running enough creatures with the text “when this creature enters the battlefield” and cards that allow them to leave the battlefield and return to trigger that effect again.
By repeatedly blinking such creatures, they are able to accumulate a significant degree of card and mana advantage over other players to easily find and deploy much larger cards with more impactful abilities.
This deck is pretty straightforward. Sometimes removal and evasion is enough to win games and the Skies gameplan is just that. While it isn’t comboing out or doing degenerate things, the deck can really beat up on opponents that aren’t prepared for it.
Just play evasive flying creatures, backed up with some removal/disruption and even some anthems, and the victory should be easy to achieve.
Reanimator is a deck archetype known for putting big and powerful creature cards into their graveyard, then using cheap spells or abilities to return those creatures to the battlefield in order to avoid prohibitive mana costs.
There are three main components to any reanimator strategy: creatures to reanimate, the spells that reanimate them, and a reliable way of putting creatures into a graveyard, usually looting spells (draw and then discard cards).
Control decks avoid racing and attempt to slow the game down by executing an attrition plan, outlasting the opponent with counterspells and removal spells. As the game progresses, control decks are able to take advantage of their slower, more powerful, cards.
The primary strength of control decks is their ability to devalue the opponent's cards. These decks typically get their edge through card advantage, then win the game by doing something more powerful than your opponent.
“Aggrostocrats” decks seek to sacrifice its own creatures, especially many low-cost and/or token creatures, to accumulate game-winning benefits. Here, you want to win fast and attack and ping your opponent with everything you have, even when they die.
This archetype uses a combination of sacrifice outlets and cards that trigger when their creatures enter and/or leave the battlefield.
If you like smashing face, then Gruul Midrange is the deck for you. This is a creature based red and green deck that uses bigger, ahead-of-the-curve creatures to overrun your opponents quickly rather than going wide with smaller creatures.
Ramp your mana on your first turns to cast as soon as possible your big threats. You may also opt to be a little bit more aggressive deck playing cheap red creatures, cleaning the board for your beaters with burn spells, or dealing those last points of damage to the face.
In The Peasant Cube, focuses on having multiple small but cheap creature tokens. Instead,
wants to have not so many tokens, but much bigger. This is a midrange deck with more threatening creatures.
Deploy your tokens and overrun your enemies with cards like Overwhelming Encounter. Using +1/+1 counters is also a great way to make all your tokens grow. Make them come in bigger with Good-Fortune Unicorn or turn them into huge threats with Curse of Predation.
This is not the main strategy in these colors, but it's perfectly playable.
Turn your creatures into major threats increasing their power and toughness with as many +1/+1 counters as you could distribute on them.
This is another midrange deck focused on building a big board presence to overrun your opponents.
This deck has a lot of overlap with the Red-Black version but it's not so fast. It's more controlling, and tries to generate more value in terms of life and resources. White provides tons of creature tokens while black brings more and bigger payoffs.
Your lifegain triggers whenever a creature dies will make the difference in most games.
This deck uses graveyard recursion to drive an aggro strategy. You’ll be needing to keep the pressure up at all times with plenty of cheap creatures, while also making use reanimation effects to bring things back into play for one last swing.
Try to emphasise one key aspect of the archetype: you’ll want lots of creatures with mana values three or less.
‘Spellslinger’ is a term for decks that focus primarily on instant and sorceries. They often contain a mix of low-cost spells that may be cast in quick succession as well as high-cost, powerful spells that many other archetypes may find difficult to cast. Spellslinger decks often contain similarities to control strategies, though they are not a prerequisite for this archetype.
Cantrips, as well as other card draw spells, help your deck maintain a steady influx of instants and sorceries that will produce consistent synergy with other cards in the deck, such as cards with abilities that trigger when instants and sorceries are cast. Cards with Adventure spells are also good here. They provide an instant/sorcery and "draw" you a creature card, witch helps you to have a good balance between spells and creatures.
These cards that trigger with your spells can provide you with many additional benefits and even may also be your deck’s primary win condition.
Death is not an end but just a new beginning. Use your graveyard for sweet recursive value. You are setting up an engine to grind out a long game, or dumping things in the yard to use as your second hand.
This deck is good at not running out of resources. How? By utilizing the graveyard to keep getting back the resources. The opponent can kill your creatures, but you can reanimate them. The opponent can stop your spells but you can regrow them. No matter what answers your opponent has, this archetype keeps bringing back threats.
A token deck focuses on token-producing cards that can create a large number of tokens for a low cost to overwhelm your opponent. This strategy usually take the form of an aggro deck, using a high density of creatures, commonly paired with effects that increase their power, to defeat the enemy with combat damage.
This can allow you to spend very few cards and resources to establish a much larger board presence than your opponent.
Once you have assembled a large number of tokens, you commonly use effects that will make those tokens more powerful in combat often with ‘anthems’ (cards that provide a power and toughness boost to each creature).
Here you aim to cast spells that put additional lands into play, or playing creatures or artifacts that tap for mana as quickly as possible, to cast big creatures. Simple but strong.
This deck attempts to deploy quick and aggressive threats while protecting them with light permission and disruption long enough to win. You are accelerating your own path to victory while, at the same time, slowing the opponent.
This can be achieved by playing multiple efficient, impactful cards each turn, outpacing your opponent by volume. You can force their mana to go to waste each turn, denying them meaningful ways to spend it or simply countering everything they do, hopefully while your cheap impactful threats get the job done on an empty board.
Control tries to slow the entire tempo of the game to a crawl, whereas Tempo decks try to expedite their victory much earlier in the game. Think of Tempo decks, in a way, as Control decks that try to do their winning during the early stages of the game, rather than in the later stages.
Slow your opponent while making pressure with your creatures. That's what you want to do with this deck. Sharae of Numbing Depths is also a good build-around creature too, as you will find some good effects that tap your opponent's creatures to open the path to your victory.
Just like the Flash deck, you try to win playing cheap threats and go for the win protecting them, while disrupting your opponent's plans with efficient spells that grant you advantage for your board.
Aggressive decks have a very low mana curve. If the game isn’t finished quickly, your creatures become outclassed. Here is where Equipment really shines. Suddenly your utility and weaker creatures trade up.
While this deck can be assembled at any color combination, you will find the best payoffs in White and Red.
Find Equipments (most of them are colorless) and attach them into your creatures. Any creature may carry your weapons, but some wear them better than others. Creatures with evasion keywords like Flying and Menace, First Strike and Double Strike, Lifelink and Ward shine in this job.
It may not be accurate to refer to Death & Taxes to this archetype in this Cube. Maybe Orzhov Midrange is more approppriate for it, as this one typically is a creature based control deck that plays a very disruptive game.
It is a very proactive deck that drops early creatures that disrupt opponent's resources (killing their creatures, attacking their hands, taxing their spells...) and starts slowly attacking, pinging, or draining the opponent out.
You may also add blink creatures like Flickerwisp to maximize your ETB creatures.
Drawing cards (card advantage) is one of the most powerful things you can do in Magic. It lets you look for solutions to the opponents’ threats, as well as find your own key cards to win the game.
The Draw Two is a deck that slowly creates its advantage doing something so simple as drawing cards.
Your payoffs here are the standouts for winning, so look for potential triggers for your payoff cards every turn. Cantrips, looters, creatures that draw cards when enter the battlefield...
Another deck that tries to win fast, with cheap creatures and spells. Playing cards with Adventures is a great form to play this deck, as each of those cards offers you a good creature and an instant or sorcery in a single card. Cheeky House-Mouse, Faerie Guidemother, Ardenvale Tactician, Rimrock Knight and Hearth Elemental. Add removal and some tokens and try to win with Rally the Peasants, for example.
In a similar way to the Spider Spawning deck in , you can try to replicate that strategy in
with Vilespawn Spider. Blue gives you tons of card selection effects, so you may discard something that you can recover later with Eternal Witness for example. Green has several ways to mill cards, and some spells with flashback to cast from your graveyard. Once you have enough creatures in your grave, play the spider and sacrifice it.
Or you could try to win by surprise with an explosive Psychic Spiral, milling your opponent in a single turn.
This is not a true archetype, but maybe you are lucky gathering some pieces of the deck. There are a good amount of Goblins in the cube, specially in red. They want to play aggro, but the deck is not so different of a sacrifice archetype, as you could deal the last points of damage sacrificing all your creatures to finish the game.
Persist Combo is a three-cards combo that works with the fact that with any card that puts a +1/+1 counter on a creature on the board (Anafenza, Kin-Tree Spirit, Renata, Called to the Hunt, Metallic Mimic, Grumgully, the Generous or Good-Fortune Unicorn), persist creatures come back every time they die. This makes Murderous Redcap an instant kill and Kitchen Finks infinite life, provided you have something that lets you sacrifice creatures at no cost (like Carrion Feeder, Goblin Bombardment or Spawning Pit among others).
There are some other persist creatures in the Cube (Lesser Masticore and Putrid Goblin), but these cards may need a forth piece to win the game, something that pings the opponent when they die (like Blood Artist, Zulaport Cutthroat, Spiteful Prankster or Mayhem Devil).
Shadowfax, Lord of Horses is a powerful build-around creature capable of cheating creatures with power lesser than him (remember, power, not mana value). You will find in the Cube many good effects to play for free with Shadowfax. Try to play on it some equipments or +1/+1 counters to cheat more big threats.
There is a combo in the Cube where you can create infinite creature tokens.
With Scurry Oak on the battlefield:
Add a third piece, like Goblin Bombardment, to win the game on the same turn.
Sprout Swarm seems to be a pretty innocuous card, but it's an awesome payoff and also an enabler to build an army of Saprolings with just a single card and close the game. A true one-card engine, as once you control five or more creatures, they help you to cast the card for free. The card is an easy P1p1.
You may build a deck around it with many cards. Renata, Called to the Hunt? Good. Great Oak Guardian? Nice. Thermo-Alchemist or Guttersnipe, too? That seems like a sweet combo.
3. #180 AND TWO-HEADED GIANT MODULE (2HG)The Peasant Cube has also been built to play as a Twobert cube (two-players cube) and Two-Headed Giant games or 2HG (four players go head to head in a 2vs2 battle).
The Twobert option was thought for those days when you don't have many people to play with. Just go to Filter > Filter and write Tag:180 to see the cards you have to choose to make the draft/sealed. I'm also working on the 360 size version but that's something I never have time to finish, sorry.
The 2HG module: If you look carefully, in the main list there are many cards that are even better in 2vs2 games, with effects that grow exponentially with two opponents. But there is more. In the Maybeboard section (Display > Show Maybeboard) you will find a small module with cards that are awesome in those games.
Just add those cards to the cube and enjoy. Or if you prefer, randomly remove the same amount of cards from the main list and add that number of 2HG cards.