Budget Pioneer+
(450 Card Cube)
Budget Pioneer+
Cube ID
Art by Svetlin VelinovArt by Svetlin Velinov
450 Card Budget Pioneer Cube13 followers
Designed by thesidestepkids
Mana Pool$448.88

Designed on a budget, this pioneer+ cube features classic cards from Innistrad forward.


After nearly a decade of curating my 360 Unpowered Cube, I wanted to return to a power level where cards like Whip of Erebos or Venerated Loxodon could thrive. Choosing Innistrad as my starting point - the block where my friends and I started playing Magic - I aimed to create an interactive and diverse format. With each new set, I will readily add, test, and cut cards.


Most of the 450 cards can be acquired for around or under $2. Lands are permitted to break this rule, within reason - for example, the Check Land cycle.

I recommend 30 of each land in your favorite art, six boxes of Dragon Shield Mattes, and the Dex Protection Supreme One Row for a perfect fit. In total, you should be able to build, sleeve, and store this 450-card cube for under $500.

Banned and Restricted
  • 01/15/23: Planeswalkers are changed from banned to restricted (one per color).
  • 08/30/20: Once Upon a Time is banned.
  • 08/01/20: Planeswalkers are banned (read more).
  • 06/01/20: Innistrad, Dark Ascension, Avacyn Restored, and M13 are legal.
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