Adventure Party Cube
(360 Card Cube)
Adventure Party Cube
Cube ID
Art by Dave GrecoArt by Dave Greco
360 Card Cube6 followers
Designed by frodog28
Mana Pool$324.11

I was charmed by @Myagic 's May Fae Cube. It kicked off my ideas for this cube.

The Flavor

Imagine that a party of adventurers from Zendikar find themselves in a whimsical world of Eldraine overlaid onto the Forgotten Realms. Mix in a dash of Lorwyn elementals and Kaldheim angels, and you have a picture of what's going on in this cube.
Key elements are taken from each of these realms: warriors, rogues, clerics, wizards, dragons, knights, faeries, goblins, food, treasures, and more.

The Mechanics

The Baldur's Gate set combined Forgotten Realms mechanics with Adventures from Throne of Eldraine. One of the commander decks focused on the Party mechanic from Zendikar Rising. This goes for a similar mix, building mostly around Eldraine Adventures and Zendikar Party and Baldur's Gate Dragons. Artifact tokens are also central: Treasure and Food.

Other mechanics from these sets: Knights, Elves, Kicker, Landfall and Artifact-Enchantment-Synergy each show up in small amounts, but not enough to really build around.

The same (small amounts) is true for Evoke and Changeling, from Lorwyn.

Party Archetypes

The four colors w, u, b and r pair up in different ways to define different flavors of the Party mechanic, or a party class.

wu is the first Party pair, with a focus on control.

wb is the other pair that centers on the party mechanic.

rw is warrior tribal and equipment synergies.

ur is wizards tribal, instants, and sorceries.

ub is rogues tribal and milling the opponent.

br I decided to not focus on the Party mechanic. Party aggro would probably work as a draft strategy, but formally I assigned br to treasure synergies instead (see below).

Dragon Archetypes

g, u, and r is the wedge of dragons! Forgotten Realms and Baldur's Gate provided plenty of low-curve dragon-type creatures to fill out this archetype.

rg is the most focused on big, stompy dragons.

gu has a lighter focus on dragons, but also on ramp and card advantage.

Other Archetypes

The last three pairs are based on themes of the adventure mechanic and the two artifact tokens: food and treasure.

gw is the adventure mechanic.

bg is about food tokens.

br is about treasure tokens.

Welcome to this land of faerie and adventure! Hope you get immersed!

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