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Storm the Gathering
(589 Card Cube)
Storm the Gathering
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
589 Card Cube3 followers
Designed by LilyE
Mana Pool$28262.23

IMPORTANT: Following some playtesting, it has been determined that the storm archetype here is heavily dependent on Thousand-Year Storm. As a result, Thousand-Year Storm has been cut BUT in order to reduce reliance on this card, every player now gets an emblem that gives Thousand-Year Storm as a static effect.

One of my favorite mechanics in MtG is Storm, and when I sat down to make this cube, I wanted to see if it was possible to generate a cube where all 2 color archetypes were storm. I believe it worked out relatively well, the most supported archetype is UR storm, unsurprisingly, but I believe that all 3 color archetypes should meld well with each other, even WBG.
As well, 5 color dragonstorm is an option, but I have not tested to see how viable it is in a draft yet. Suggestions are very much welcomed!

Banners are trash, 3 mana for one mana seems kinda bad

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