The Peon Cube
(450 Card Cube)
The Peon Cube
Cube ID
Art by Andrew MarArt by Andrew Mar
450 Card Peasant Vintage Cube10 followers
Designed by MrSirMoth
Mana Pool$195.92
Welcome to The Peon Cube!

This is a peasant cube that I made because having a cube is pretty cool, but rares are pretty expensive. My goal with this cube was to create an environment full of high synergy without the strict railroading issues some archetype-focused cubes can run into. To achieve this goal, the cube ironically has 20 prepared archetypes, two per color pair. However, each color is filled with enough staples that traditional aggro, midrange, and control decks will throw out just as strong of a punch as any archetype-focused deck.

Archetype Guides
w Azorious u

This is a tried and true archetype used in every core set known to man. It's simple, easy, and effective. Pick creatures with flying. Hit them in the air. It just works.


If the birds are just a little too aggressive for your taste, this archetype may be for you. With a critical mass of creatures with "enters the battlefield" abilities like Wall of Omens or Mulldrifter and a few cards to blink them like Soulherder or Flickerwisp, you can durdle around accruing value all day. If you survive long enough to get your engines rolling, you can gain an advantage large enough that your opponent will have no way of coming back.

u Dimir b
Graveyard Abuse

This archetype can take many forms based on the exact card packages drafted, but they all share one thing in common: Get cards in the graveyard, and abuse them once they're there. This could be simply filling the graveyard to make a cheap Gurmag Angler or swinging with a big Psychatog. It could be discarding a Waker of Waves to reanimate with Diabolic Servitude or Victimize. It could even be amassing a gigantic army with Tolarian Winds and Lazotep Chancellor. At the end of the day, if it's using the graveyard, Dimir can abuse it.


Tempo, Saboteurs, or Ninjas; whatever you call it, this archetype wants one thing, and that is to never be blocked. By using small, evasive creatures like Changeling Outcast or Wingcrafter, you can chip in for small damage early, or you can gain even more value by swapping in a ninja or slapping on a Curiosity effect. Smart uses of Ninjutsu to re-use ETB effects like Faerie Seer and cheap removal can make sure you break down your opponents with damage and value before they can even react.

b Rakdos r

If you've ever seen a 1/1 on your board and really just wanted to eat it or throw it at something, then Rakdos sacrifice may be the archetype for you. The deck usually needs three types of cards: Sacrifice fodder like Nested Shambler and Mogg War Marshall, sacrifice outlets like Carrion Feeder and Goblin Bombardment, and finally death payoffs like Blood Artist and Mayhem Devil. Gather enough pieces, and you can assemble a chain reaction with only one possible outcome: Death, and a lot of it.


Instead of throwing away the precious resource of creatures, Rakdos can also specialize in throwing away the precious resource of cards. While discarding is usually a downside, the madness ability can instead turn it into a more efficient way to deploy your threats. With enough madness cards and discard outlets, Rakdos can deploy some of the most ahead-of-curve aggressive threats in the cube.

r Gruul g
Stomp Fast

Gruul play aggressive creature! Gruul be fast! Gruul attack! Gruul stomp face hard! Gruul keep stomping!

Hit Hard

Spend some time. Play some land. Play more land. Make a lot of mana. PLAY MONSTER! HIT! HIT! DEAD!

w Selesnya g

Selesnya has the ability to deploy a lot of bodies at once with cards like Sprout Swarm, Battle Screech, and Servo Exhibition. While these cards may seem innocuous on their own, combining them with anthems like Intangible Virtue and Gaea's Anthem can quickly turn them into an insurmountable army.

+1/+1 Counters

Just as well as it can go wide, Selesnya can also go tall. Stacking +1/+1 counters on top of creatures can quickly get out of hand, especially if you can find the right payoffs like Wildwood Scourge, Evolution Sage, or Herd Baloth.

w Orzhov b

Orzhov aristocrats is basically the classier version of Rakdos sacrifice. While it still uses a combination of sacrifice fodder, outlets, and payoffs, it tends to lean more heavily on the Blood Artist effects with cards like Cruel Celebrant added to the mix. Combine that with white's ability to create an army of tokens and a few recursive cards like Abiding Grace or Vesperlark and you have a sacrifice deck that is more than willing to play for the long game.

Life Gain

While some say the best defense is a good offense, that is simply not true with Orzhov. The white/black color combo is great at gaining life, and it can turn that life gained into a powerful weapon. Cards like Ajani's Pridemate and Cleric Class reward you by giving you the biggest creatures on the battlefield, Silversmote Ghoul and Markov Purifier can help you grind out the mid-game, and Indulging Patrician and Grey Merchant of Asphodel are great for providing the reach needed to finish things out.

u Izzet r
Spellslinger Aggro

Izzet is a master at casting dozens of tiny spells to annihilate their opponents. Just get some payoffs like Sprite Dragon or Guttersnipe on the field and chain together a ton of cantrips like Brainstorm and Preordain intersperced with burn spells like Lightning Bolt and Play With Fire. Aimed at the face, of course.

Spellslinger Control

If you'd rather take your time in the match, Izzet has some spells for that too. The classic Counterspell, Lightning Bolt, and friends can be used to keep a battlefield free of creatures. Add the occasional boardwipe like Slice and Dice or Breath of Darigaaz for good measure and you can wait it out until you draw your finishing threat of choice; perhaps a Rise From The Tides or a slow death with Electrostatic Field.

b Golgari g
Graveyard Value

As it turns out, in Magic, victory through compost is a legitimate strategy. By spending the early game filling your graveyard, Golgari has the tools to gain you value and game-winning boards. Cards like Golgari Thug and Grisly Salvage are important to bring all the boys to the yard. Form there, you can eke out an advantage with cards like Masked Admirers and Timeless Witness, get big, cheap threats like Gurmag Angler or a reanimated Titanoth Rex, or make a massive board with Spider Spawning.


Instead of grave digging, Golgari can also help you do some grave filling. The morbid deck can play out similar to Orzhov aristocrats with sacrifice outlets and cards like Blood Artist and Poison-Tip Archer, but the true power of the deck comes when you're gaining your value by killing your opponent's threats. Cards like Deathreap Ritual and Morbid Opportunist don't care whose creatures are dying, just that the graves are being dug. This lets you Play double duty with removal spells, and possibly more with creature removal like Shriekmaw and Bone Shredder.

r Boros w
Artifact Aggro

The most traditional aggro archetype in the cube is Boros's marching machines. The cheap artifact threats like Court Homunculus, Goldhound, and Signal Pest combined with modular creatures like Arcbound Prototype or Arcbound Shikari make a strikingly resilient combination. For a polished deck, keep an eye out for all the colorless options. Cards like Foundry Inspector and the Phyrexian artifacts like Spined Thopter that everyone has access to are really brought to the next level.


Bruenor Battlehammer or Kazuul's Toll Collector + Colossus Hammer = big bonk. No big hammer? No matter. Try small hammer. Kor Blademaster + Loxodon Warhammer = bonk too. Koll, the Forgemaster = eternal bonk and Bronzeplate Boar = boar bonk.

g Simic u

If Simic is good at one thing, it's lands. If lands are good at one thing, it's making mana. If you want to go truly big, this is probably the best way to do it. Play ramp like Rampant Growth and Cultivate and compliment it with some landfall like Tatyova, Benthic Druid and Tireless Provisioner. Finally, this is probably the only deck where you'll be able to hard cast the giants like Waker of Waves or Artisan of Kozilek, or you can get spicy and return your opponent's everything to hand with Capsize.


The flash plan is a rather unique one in this cube. If you manage to fill your deck with enough instants and flash cards, you will be able to pass your turn and wait to make every move on your opponent's end steps when you have full information. This deck usually uses a lot of counterspells like Miscalculation and Condescend. Creatures with mana sinks like Spectral Sailor and Duskwatch Recruiter are also perfect to make sure you can use all your mana each turn if you don't have to counter anything. In fact, this is also the best place to play werewolves like Hound Tamer since you will consistently pass your turn and make it night. Finally, make sure to pick up a Wilderness Reclamation if you see one. Playing out your hand and still having mana for flash shenanigans on your opponent's turn is truly flashy.

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