Mikube (old tags)
(997 Card Cube)
Mikube (old tags)
Cube ID
Art by YW TangArt by YW Tang
997 Card Cube3 followers
Designed by mcbizco
Mana Pool$4226.53

This is all old and needs to be rewritten

This is all old and needs to be rewritten

This is all old and needs to be rewritten

Welcome to My Cube!
Commander Draft Rules

Things are flexible, but we usually build 60 card decks by drafting 20 card packs 2 picks at a time. 30 starting life, ideally 4-player games. You will draft a commander and your deck can only spend mana as though it were mana of your commander's colour identity. This means you can run ANY card in your deck, but can only ever spend mana from among your commander's colours

For example, if you have made a Brago, King Eternal Azorius w}u deck:

  • You can run Simic Signetug, but the green mana it creates would be considered colourless since you cannot spend green mana. It would effectively add uc to your mana pool.

  • You can run cards with hybrid mana like Oona, queen of the fae, but can only spend u mana to cast her and activate her abilites

  • You could run Damn but would only be able to cast it for it's 2ww Overload Cost. If you can find a way to cast the non-overloaded version without spending the black bb mana (with something like Torrential Gearhulk, that is totally fine.

  • Mono-Coloured commanders can partner with The Prismatic Piper, allowing them a second colour for deckbuilding


Since the cube is 960 cards a typical 8-player draft will only see half the cube. I wanted this high variance for gameplay variety but it also comes with the chance of an archetype or colour being underrepresented. Most archetypes should play nicely with one another regardless, and the cube is a bit of a “good stuff” pile anyway. Usually we do two drafts back to back, so if something is sparse in the morning draft, it will usually be abundant in the afternoon draft. Nevertheless, this table shows the archetypes I was aiming for.

+1/+1 Counterswg

Here's trying to sort it by guild:

Primary ColoursArchetype(s)Support Colour
wu AzoriusBlink / Controlg
ub DimirAggressive Mill/ Self Mill
br RakdosToken sac / Sacrificew
rg GruulCreature Aggro
gw SelesnyaTokens / +1/+1 Countersb
wb OrzhovAristocrats / Reanimatorr
ur IzzetSpellslinger / Drawg
bg GolgariSelf Mill / Graveyard Payoffu
wr BorosAggro/Attackb
ug SimicToken Copy / Clonew
Maybeboard Changelist+0, -1
Mainboard Changelist+1, -0
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