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Retro Frame Modern Cube
(451 Card Cube)
Retro Frame Modern Cube
Cube ID
Art by Adam RexArt by Adam Rex
451 Card Cube6 followers
Designed by ShadowStormer
Mana Pool$1041.82

This cube inherits modern Magic Archetypes, but uses only old border cards. Many multicolored cards from Timespiral Remastered and Modern Horizons are defining the archetypes, but there are still some goodies from the older days.

Archetypes by color

w: Blink, Enchantments, Go-Wide, Flyers, Control

u: Blink, Artifacts, Spells, Flyers, Control, Reanimator,

b: Zombies, Reanimator, Discard, Sacrifice, Control

r: Goblins, Burn, Spells, Artifacts, Ponza

g: Elves, Enchantments, Go-Wide, Ramp, Madness, Ponza

Archetypes Shards

Bant gwu : Enchantments
Esper wub : Blink
Grixis ubr : Artifacts
Jund bgr : The Rock/Sacrifice
Naya rgw : Zoo/Ponza

Abzan wbg : Tokens/Go-Wide
Jeskai urw : Spells
Mardu rwb : Aggro
Sultai bgu : Reanimator
Temur gur : Madness/Tempo

Archetypes in detail
Enchantments wg (u)

There are plenty of cards in w and g that scale good, if you play a lot of enchantments. Some Auras are added as well, which do not profit from Opalescence, but can be used in a Volotron style deck.

Blink uw (b)

This is a slower, grinder deck that brings it's own creatures back to hand or in play to generate value. Some combos/locks paired with control and lot's of ETB creatures in w, u and b makes this a solid deck.

Artifacts ur (b)

Artifacts have lot's of support cards u and some in r (and b). This can be a combo or ramp deck, or you can flood the board with artifacts and use the synergy cards provided by the colors.

Sacrifice / The Rock br (g)

The Sacrifice Archetype is defined by cards in b and r that synergies with the graveyard. Gain card advantage by sacrificing and recurring creatures. This can be a slower, more control oriented deck (the G/B version was called "The Rock") or a more aggressive and fast deck that uses sac-outlets (cards that allow you to sacrifice creatures/permanents) to close out the game.

Ponza / Zoo rg (w)

Ponza is beatdown/aggro Archetype with midrange threats and Land Destruction. It tries to destroy the opponents resources while putting descent powered creatues on the battlefield.
Zoo on the other hand uses earlier drops to generate preassure on the opponent's life total, while still using some of the Ponza midrange threats as finishers.

Tokens / Go-Wide gw (b)

This is a token deck, that makes use of w anthem effects. Mirari's Wake is an All-Star, which allows you to pump out tokens and makes them bigger.

Spells ur (w)

The Spells(-matter) Archetype got lot's of good cards from the newer sets. They benefit from casting spells, which makes this kind of a Tempo deck. Card Advantage is important!

Wheenie/Aggro rw (b)

This is a low curved aggro deck, that sticks threads every round supported by burn spells or land destruction r and spot removal w. You really want a creature on turn 1 or 2 and then play all spells in your hand quickly.

Reanimator bu (g)

This is a combo/control archetype, depending on the number of reanimation spells you draft. u offers cantrib, discard and control spells, reanimation targets are spread over all colors.

Madness / Tempo ug (r)

Madness (with threshold) was a deck during the Odyssey block era that makes use of discarding cards and filling the graveyard. Threats in g with counter magic from u. A Tempo based style deck that sticks out early threats and stops the opponents game plan while protecting the threats.

Zombies b

Zombies take advantage of sacrifice effects and/or the graveyard. Many lower cost cards can be recurred from the graveyard to generate value or simply create a critical mass of creatures to attack each turn. A second color could be red or green, as they have some synergies around the graveyard as well (Genesis, Squee, Goblin Nabob)

Elves g

The Elves Archetype comes with many “mana dorks” or “utility creatures”. There are only a few lords for a potentially powerful beatdown strategy, but Elves can generate lots of mana early in the game, allowing to cast high costed creatures or spells. u comes in handy as a second color, because it has some nice payoffs such as Upheaval, Opposition or even Coastal Piracy.

Goblins r

Goblins is a strong aggro archetype available to your Red drafters. It must include some objectively less powerful cards in order to reach critical mass of Goblins, but it can definitely curve out pretty well (cast a creature spell on each turn). r offering some burn spells to potentially clear out blockers or making the last missing points of damage to an opponent.

Ramp g (rw)

This Archetype relates to the Elves Archetype, both using "mana-dorks" to quickly generate a huge amount of mana and casting high costed creature spells. The Ramp Archetype also runs lots of colorless Ramp spells to cast a Wildfire or other spells the clear the board (Wrath of God).

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