"One of the cubes of all time"
(360 Card Cube)
"One of the cubes of all time"
Cube ID
Art by Mark TedinArt by Mark Tedin
360 Card Pioneer Cube4 followers
Designed by NowWithBacon
Mana Pool$778.07

Welcome to the Bacon Cube! A Pioneer+ power level cube with a focus on microsynergies. The goal was to make a cube that was draftable and enjoyable at any experience level, and for players to always end up with a playable deck no matter how badly the draft has gone. Below are some examples of the supported archetypes, please note that due to the nature of a microsynergy focus, this is not, and never can be an exhaustive list. There are plenty of strange decks and archetypes to discover from aggro, to control, to even combo.

B/W Reanimator/Knights/Vampires
U/W Artifacts/Control/Counters
B/R Sac/Vampires/Aggro
R/W Equipment/Spells/Aggro
G/W +1/+1/Cats/Tokens
U/R Spells/Wizards/Artifacts
R/G Treasure/Wolves/Tokens
G/B Food/Squirrels/Reanimator
U/B Control/Artifacts/Discard
U/G Ramp/Tokens/Food

Naya Cats
Abzan Reanimator
Bant Tokens
Esper Artifacts
Jund Sac
Temur Midrange
Grixis Discard
Sultai Food
Mardu Aggro
Jeskai Spells

This is less of a set based update and more of a tweaks and changes update. Some things were not working, other things need more help, Simic and Temur continue to be thorns in my side, etc. Unfortunately, most of the MH3 cards I was excited for actually play like dogwater, and have now almost entirely been cut; or, are on the top of the list for the next update. All that hype for nothing! Also attempting to tone down some of the power outliers. Some stuff is meant to be borked, but its just getting a little too borked for my liking. I broke my full cycles rule, and killed red gearhulk, we'll see if I don't change it back eventually.

Notably, I did get rid of "Actual Umezawa's Jitte" aka Greatsword of Tyr. This will be much celebrated by many, and earn ire from few.

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