Roomate's Peasant Cube
(450 Card Cube)
Roomate's Peasant Cube
Cube ID
Art by Hristo D. ChukovArt by Hristo D. Chukov
450 Card Peasant Legacy+ Cube3 followers
Designed by Roomate
Mana Pool$632.50

This is a peasant cube and all the basics are snow-covered. It is cards that have only been printed at common or uncommon rarity. Part of the reason that I wanted it to be like this is cost. It is was much easier to get ahold of these cards than a legacy or vintage cube. I also think that there are a lot of cool cards that can be in the cube whilst they are not super played in other formats. As a pauper player, there are a lot of cool commons and uncommon that have seen little play in other formats. But peasant allows for the presence of some of magic’s most iconic cards, like swords to plowshare and demonic tutor. The design philosophy is that of building a magic deck. This cube has mana efficiency as a major consideration. This allows for lots of interaction points and different ways to play in the format. There are various strategies and support for archetypes within the cube, however, drafts are not about collecting all the role players. It is really about taking cards and making an archetype or synergy into a cohesive deck. When drafting make sure that one has a good curve and good ways to interact with an opponent.
The evaluation for inclusion for cards is that there are different types of cards in this cube. The types of cards in the cube are staples, archetype cards, builders, niche, and lands. Staple cards are those that are playable in almost all decks of their color. Lightning bolt is an example of a staple that is playable in almost every red deck. Archetype cards are meant to be very powerful but define a deck direction. Reanimate, skull clamp, tinker are all very powerful cards but require decks to be designed to take the most advantage out of these cards. Builders are cards that are meant to build out a deck with. These cards are not defining but they help to build and make a functioning deck. This is supposed to be a majority of cards in the cube. The last type of card is niche cards. These are cards that play an important but narrow role in certain decks. The majority of decks will not want a brain freeze but to the decks that do it is really important piece. Lands can either be a mana-fixing or a value-generating aspect. Cards are not just evaluated for how often they are played, but also for how they fulfill their role.

Each color does unique things.

W has a good creature centric and some good value generation
U it has evasive creatures and the best raw card draw.
B it does a bunch of stuff with Morbid and graveyards
R red has the highest number of removal mixed with removal. It also has good impulsive draw.
G it has mana generation and counters matter.

These are just some basic ideas for each color with three archetype staples. Thought there are many different ways to build decks of any color combination.
u/w - Blink

u/b - Self Mill

u/g - Proliferate

u/r - Tokens

w/b - Revolt

w/g - +1/+1 counters

w/r - Burn

b/g - Elves & Lands

b/r - Sacrifice

g/r - Goblins

Three Color

u/w/b - Blinky control

u/w/r - tokens

u/w/g - Proliferate and counters

u/b/r - Combo control

u/b/g - Self mill

u/r/g - Ramp

w/b/r - Aristocrats

w/b/g - Lands matter

b/r/g - Reanimator

w/g/r - Modular

On Control

In a lot of environments, control is normally an archetype with few to zero creatures that then use wraths and planeswalkers to stop aggression and then generate value in the late game. Peasant does not have the same types of 4 mana hard wrath and planeswalkers to build that type of control environment. So in this cube I have an idea of what control as an ideal looks like in this type of environment. My idea is that control would use cheap interaction, and maybe some ramp spells to bridge to the late game. There are now three 6 mana wraths to stabilize. Then it can use some of the late game finishers; combos, recursive threats, or big bombs.


For the most part any type of interaction can fill this spot. But cards to highlight for control decks interacting in the early game.


For control midgame is often not as important but cards for midgame control decks are


There are cards meant to help stabilize the deck against creature decks.


Finishers are just cards that control decks can leverage to end the game. I would say some cards that can be considered finishers include.

(Infiltrator is a late-game bomb that can be 3 or 4 creatures and draw a good grip of cards).

The other type of finishers are combo decks.

are examples of combo finishers for control decks.

On Combo

The combos. I think that having combos are important for the health of the cube. Having viable combos does put a cap on the grind fest of many decks and has deck diversity.

Abdel + animate dead (bastion of remembrance, goblin bombardment, elas, etc to instantly end the game)

Archeomancer + Ghostly Flicker + Peregrine Drake or cloud of Faeries (if you can make 4 or more mana with untaping lands)

There is a storm deck. Land untappers and lands that produce multiple mana into multiple spells into noise marine or brainfreeze.

There are persist combos. These are a persist creature + a card that gives them a +1/+1 counter when it enters the battlefield + a sacrifice outlet.

(Also Grafted Wargear can also be used as a sacrifice outlet if either there are two persist creatures in play or anax is on the battlefield)

Nivis guildmage + turnabout. If you have 9 lands this is infinite mana and infinite loot then any burn spell finishes the game

Tinker combos. Tinker lets to cheat out some powerful artifacts for three mana. Be on the look out for some cheap artifacts and some bombs to make the deck work. I added this to allow for a powerful strategy but one that every color has answers to. Every color can interact with artifacts and creatures.

There are typal elements in the cube. Elves and goblins are the two largest most supported types in the cube. Angels, faeries, and, zombies are also all present and have some payoffs. Human and wizard are two creature types that are heavily present but have little to no specific tribal cards specifically for them.

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