Dungeons and Dragons Cube
(537 Card Cube)
Dungeons and Dragons Cube
Cube ID
Art by Chris RahnArt by Chris Rahn
537 Card Unpowered Legacy Cube4 followers
Designed by MrBurnsyBoy12
Mana Pool$1304.21

This is a Dungeons and Dragons, unpowered, archetype driven cube. The concept was to make archetypes that feel like quintessential aspects of D&D, and while I can't pretend I was 100% successful, this continual work-in-progress cube should hopefully be thematic enough to engage the fans of both D&D and Magic to keep coming back to try out new archetypes. Mostly inspired by the Zendikar Rising Party mechanic, as well as the flavor and Dungeons of AFR.

Archetype Breakdown:
WR Warriors/Equipment: Warrior tribal with a large equipment matters theme. While just going aggressive, low-to-the-ground warrior tribal is doable, and probably the most aggressive deck in this cube, the equipment matters things give the deck a lot of reach and late-game staying power.

UB Rogues/Unblockables: Leverage the evasion of your Rogue tribe to deal damage to opponents. The creatures gain you advantage for chipping in, allowing you to bury your opponent in earned-through-damage value.

BW Clerics/Lifegain/Death: Clerics are a tribe that utilize Lifegain and Death to gain advantage. Specialize in bringing their own back from the dead and growing with your life total.

UR Wizards/Spellcaster: A tribe that care about instants and sorceries. Establish your board and start casting spells to gain advantage.

RB Party or Dragons: Two different directions you can go with RB. One of which utilizes the Party Mechanic to reward you for having a full party together by either making your effects more powerful or making your spells cost less. The Dragons side is just what it sounds like. Play Dragon support cards and play big, cool dragons. The dragons side can splash multiple colors as all colors have at least one dragon. The concentration are in Red and Black.

UW Party or Artificer: Two different directions you can go with UW. One One of which utilizes the Party Mechanic to reward you for having a full party together by either making your effects more powerful or making your spells cost less. The other is by acquiring a collection of artifacts, and using spells and artificers to animate them to fight for you, or just use their abilities to gain advantage.

GR Druid Landfall: Utilize the power of the lands to boost the strength of your cards. Take advantage of the Fetch Lands available to hit multiple land drops a turn, or ramp spells to get more lands on the battlefield, then smash your opponent with the advantages you've acquired.

GW Paladin Inspiration/Go Wide: (I recognize this theme was a little more of a stretch of the imagination). Create a board filled with smaller creatures, then boost all of their power with anthems or orverun effects to win.

GB Necromancy/Graveyard Value: Put your cards in the graveyard and bring them back through the power of Necromancy. Many of the cards can bring themselves back, but you'll have the spells to help them get back in action.

UG Monster Manual/Ramp/Mutate: Harness the power of the Monster Manual as you ramp into powerful creatures of all shapes and sizes. And if the creatures doesn't exactly suit your needs, use the Ikoria mutate cards to gain advantage and shape your creature into the exact kind of threat you need to terrorize your players... er... opponents.

Esper Venture: A Bonus archetype where you use the AFR Venture in the Dungeon mechanic to sail through dungeons and reap the rewards. Green also has some venture cards (and red has 1), but the largest concentration is in Esper.

5 Color Dragons: Utilize a Jund base to splash all colors to play dragons including the queen of chromatic dragons herself: Tiamat.

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