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Dungeons and Dragons Cube
(537 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (20+)
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Very sad to remove Gonti again...
Trying to cut down on the multiples I have. I would like to go back to singleton.

Adding a few dragons in place of a couple gold cards. Also taking out Kaza as I don't think I have the "Big spells" payoffs she supports. Might reconsider as changes get made, but I like having a spell be a part of the UR gold cards.

Some sacrifice guys that also are incidentally warriors. Wanna take a look at them and see if they'll stick around.

I need more spells in Blue. Taking out two underperformers. Am working on some custom cards to support Dungeoning to make up for the loss of displacer beast.

While Mina and Denn definitely are more in line for the Landfall theme, it doesn't do enough cool things I feel. I think Svella is a cool card, and it also is a party creature type, which I love having incidentally all over the place in this cube.

Mainboard Changelist+1, -1

This is one I keep going back and forth on.

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