Clone of Conspiracy Cube
(385 Card Cube)
Clone of Conspiracy Cube
Cube ID
Art by Kieran YannerArt by Kieran Yanner
385 Card Cube0 followers
Designed by lnlbullock
Mana Pool$268.15

This cube is a clone of the excellent Conspiracy Cube designed by NaughtRobot as it was on 3/24/2022.
Here is a link to the original cube by NaughtRobot

Themes of the Cube Draft Matters / Small Cubing Group Size

The Conspiracy sets have revolutionized drafting and made drafting more than merely picking the twenty-three best cards. They emphasized the drafting process and appropriately include cards that affect more than one active player. To replicate this experience, a singleton copy of each Conspiracy card is included in the cube and are randomly inserted into packs. Additionally with the 'Draft Matters Cards' like Garbage Fire, the Cogwork cycle cards, and others card selection and pick order matter. Due to the unique nature of Conspiracy, this cube is designed for a playgroup to draft with limited numbers.

Multi-player Matters

The Conspiracy sets serve as a good backbone with multiplayer magic in mind. When the cube was designed, cards were selected that formed cycles to compliment the various archetypes. Inspiration was derived from the commander sets with regard to each
multiplayer cycle (Join forces, Tempting offer, etc.) that gave fun, splashy interactions that provides a holistic multiplayer experience.

Cube Construction

The Backbone of the Cube was designed with every card that has a Conspiracy set mechanic (Dethrone, parley, conspiracies, voting
cards, monarch, etc.) would be included in the cube in the following distribution:

  • Three of each common
  • Two of each uncommon
  • One of each Rare, Mythic, and Conspiracy card
    The 3/2/1/1 distribution allowed each card to appear enough times per draft without warping there respective formats. The rest of the cube is filled with singletons that would support each of the respective draft archetypes that would provide a power level similar to a masters style of draft. Another important part in terms of preserving the flavor of Conspiracy block cube is to ensure the major characters from Fiora are represented in the cube, so each Legendary creature has been included as a singleton in the cube.The following draft archetypes currently exist in the Conspiracy block cube:

w-u Fliers/Tempo
u-b Value Control (Monarch Matters, Graveyard Matters, Politics)
b-r Aggro (Goblin Subtheme)
r-g Ramp (Big Creatures Matter)
g-w Tokens (Elf Subtheme)
w-b Midrange politics (Voting, Monarch Matters)
u-r Spells Matter (Tempo/Control)
b-g Graveyard Matters Midrange (Sacrifice, Reanimation)
r-w Go wide Aggro (Human Subtheme)
g-u Midrange (Big Creatures Matter)

Seeding Boosters Packs Five to Eight Drafters

Booster packs construction is not intended to match the rarity ratio of a real Conspiracy booster, however each pack is seeded with one Conspiracy card in addition to the fourteen regular cube cards.

Four Drafters

Four is the minimal amount of drafters this cube should be drafted with. In preparing booster packs each player should have five packs of nine cards. One Conspiracy card should not be seeded within each of these booster packs. Conspiracy cards should only be
placed within three of each player's five packs, resulting in twelve Conspiracy cards within the card pool. The inclusion of eight additional Conspiracy cards within the card pool tends to skew players' deck into the heavy reliance on Conspiracy cards rather
then the deck archetypes within the cube. The odds of Sovereign's Realm appearing within the card pool increases as well within the eight additional Conspiracy cards. See the notes on Sovereign's Realm under the Watch List section.

Currently Testing

These cards are the cards that are currently being tested:

Potential Inclusions

These cards are being considered for testing within the cube. They aren't actively being tested, but maybe in the future assuming the precise home can be found for them.

Watch List

Sovereign's Realm: This Conspiracy encourages players to draft only the best cards within the card pool. In drafts with four players, the player who drafts this card tends to have the strongest and most consistent deck with the pod. More often then not, powerful archetype specific cards are drafted by this player to the detriment of the other drafters within the pod.

The watch list only applies to cards within the Conspiracy sets.

Ban List
  • None
    The ban list only applies to cards within the Conspiracy sets.