(360 Card Cube)
Cube ID
Art by Dany OrizioArt by Dany Orizio
360 Card Cube1 follower
Designed by Wuliev
Mana Pool$206.69

old school ravnica cube where Skeletal Vampire is not outclassed
Power level also designed around guildmage cycle

The experience should feel like you're drafting an idealized version of the original Ravnica block, including cards from the other ravnica sets that don't invalidate the original block, with at least 1 card showcasing each guild mechanic.

We are also including landcycling cards that allow for fixing.

A tight 360, with different sections for both hybrid and guild slots.

Leveraging wider hybrid section for more fluid drafts, as well as in-color fixing.

Current goal: get mono colored slots to 32…

Needs like

+2 Advisors
+2 reanimation spells (vigor mortis torrent of souls)
+1 gateway plaza

+1 leashling

Grozoth is cute but doesn't fetch for much

-killing gaze

Fixing seems to be okay at the moment

Always feels like there's enough removal, but verdict is out

I imagine big board states like retail draft limited will become common, so maybe more evasion?

Felt like there could also be +1-2 aura payoffs, as well as +1-2 reasonable mill effects.

If people fight over the mill strategy probably neither will win, same with dragons maze? But that also adds to the flavor of the archetypes - dimir agents in conflict, maze runners chasing each other, etc.

Some guild mechanics are missing: mentor, populate?, Evolve? Undergrowth? Overload, riot, unleash, adapt.

One drops feel like they're also in the right place.

May sound odd, but I think this meta may be too creature centric? There are a lot of goofy enchantments, sorceries, and instants in the ravnica sets that had a place to shine because of the durdlier format pace. I have sins of the past and eye of the storm in there, as well as some other loose bits & ends.

There's a lot of cards I want to put back in, everyone's fighting to get in.

But I don't think this experience would work above 360 with the power level being so low? IDK. I had this over 600 cards before I started cutting things out, who knows.

I think if we were more liberal with the cube size the power level would begin to creep higher and I don't want to edge out the iconic goofy cards.

I do love playing almost exclusively OG ravnica block cards though. It is a game unto itself

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