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My philosophy when forming this cube was to enable fun, balanced gameplay where decisions matter! Many cards that swing games by themselves or cause huge resource disparities cannot be found here. I enjoy the tension of 4-player games where combat matters and eliminating a player can come at a heavy cost. I excluded high powered format staples in favor of more evenly-powered cards across the board that encourage synergy. Commanders are seeded into packs 2 at a time. There are 50 single color, 40 two color, and 10 three color commanders, so expect to draft two color decks most of the time, with the chance for a spicy three color list to shake things up and allow each archetype to splash! This cube supports up to 12 drafters!
20 cards per pack, including 2 seeded commanders
2 picks per pack
60 card decks adhering to the commander color identity rule
ALL mono-colored legends have "Partner"
Any player who fails to draft a commander has access to Prismatic Pipers
Each color pair has a unique identity, and if you open one of the 10 three-color commanders, you can mix and match pairs into your deck as you see fit, splash an extra color, or draft something a little off the rails! This cube supports many different types of drafting.
This was a long time coming and I finally had the time to update my moxfield/cubecobra lists!
-Added 13 powerful new commanders
-Added 20 new MDFCs for smoother draws, making room by cutting 5 old MDFCs and a handful of ramp spells, which haven't seemed as useful lately
-Trimmed staples like Solitude, Eternal Witness, and Generous Gift for slightly more interesting or fair cards
-Cut some durdley cards in favor of more proactive cards. We now have less cards like Well of Lost Dreams, Chasm Skulker, and Restless Bloodseeker, and more cards like Molten Gatekeeper, Securitron Squadron, and Reverse the Polarity.
NOTE This change also involves a few additional card changes that aren't listed. They are:
+Jaheira, Friend of the Forest
+Kamahl, Heart of Krosa
+Rishkar, Peema Renegade
+Old Rutstein
+Season of Loss
+Innkeeper's Talent
+Malevolent Rumble
+Coruscation Mage
+Springleaf Drum
-Oviya Pashiri, Sage Lifecrafter
-Arasta of the Endless Web
-Surrak and Goreclaw
-Jarad, Golgari Lich Lord
-Finale of Eternity
-Branching Evolution
-Verdant Command
-Electrostatic Field
-Heraldic Banner