Moving down to peasant power level, removing the multiplayer focused cards, and setting up for expansion.
Turning this into a more traditional battlebox
Add from the package Ravnica Bounce Lands
I’m considering how to work on expanding it with heuristics – I’m thinking of coming at it with a sort of “heavy synergy Cube” package.
Archetypes should be based around the wedges/shards (your preference) with heavy cross-pollination. Ideally, as you’re building, you are putting together a cohesive deck or taking the best cards – but the most powerful cards will be narrow build-arounds.
This promotes heavier decision-making in the draft phase – do you pick up a card that promotes your gameplan? Do you take the most powerful card? Do you see what your opponents are doing and spend a pick knocking them off-balance? These are all questions I want the players to be asking themselves.
With this thinking in mind, I will be making more updates soon.
There are some mechanical differences I am considering to enhance these ideas:
– Allow a player to “Hausman style” switch a card out for a card in the market instead of taking a card off the library?
– Increase the market and remove the card off the library (more Dominion style?)? Possibly allow two picks for this.
– Decrease the size of the Libray to allow higher turnover of cards
I want to promote the interaction of the market - there's a few lanes I want players to consider when picking:
Interaction/Answers edit: Hatedrafting
With each pick having some sort of trade off in the other departments. Go deep on a powerful synergy in two colors? You might have to pass up individually strong cards or answers in other colors later. Pick up a 5 color land base? You might lose out to a more streamlined deck that focused on two colors.
Consider that each turn you are basically "drawing" two cards - one with selection. I think the opening pool of cards in the market is the "rares into hand". I do want "signposts" BUT these signposts should be narrower than average.
Example, you see baird argivian recruiter in the opening pool - this card is pretty powerful in the list right now as it is a rare repeatable token maker for "free". This introduces a few levels of thinking.
1.Pick it up first - do you have the lands already? Is it possible you are able to "wheel" the colors based on what else is in the pack?
2.Pick up lands first - do you try to cut the appropiate colors of fixing to make the card less palatable to the other players?