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Pulp Nouveau
(432 Card Cube)
Blog Posts (20+)
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Cool thematic cards replace flavorless known quantities.

Note to self: Still need to find room for Treasure Dredger, Stitched Drake, Stitchwing Skaab.

Foundations is mostly looking like a flavor miss for this cube, but I'll reconsider soon, since I otherwise love the set.

In our last draft, we noted how 4/4s are pretty enormous creatures in this format, and that statline is kinda scarce. That makes cards like Ryu and Wall of Omens into egregious defensive roadblocks.

I'm also trimming several elements of lifegain and durdling, in hopes of speeding up the format. I don't want CubeCon rounds to go to time, after all!

Scooze and Cleric were too much sledgehammer, too little scalpel.

Mainboard Changelist+440, -0
landofMordor posted to Pulp Nouveau -
Mainboard Changelist+0, -377

Cube Updated – Automatic Post

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