In With the New
primrose posted to FFL Main Cube -


This is a near complete redesign of my cube, and I think for the better!

It started out with looking at taking out WB lifegain, an archetype that occupied a lot of space for rarely paying off. I was inspired by the dearth of cards printed recently that care about and reanimate creatures with 3 mana value or less (see Hero of the Dunes, Savinne's Reclaimation, and Call of the Death Dweller).

This change started small, but quickly spiraled out to touch nearly every aspect of the cube. I had already been looking at moving UB to Ninjas, and had that change made in the WIP version of my cube. Tokens moved to GR to give that an actual identity, artifacts/equipment were brought in, I finally admitted that the Blink deck is a slower midrange deck not tempo, etc, etc. The only archetype that hasn't changed is Rakdos Aristocrats, but with upgrades from recent cards it should lean even harder into being an aggressive death deck.

The dust has settled on this first draft of the cube, leaving us with:

w-u - Blink - Slow Midrange
u-b - Ninjas - Tempo
b-r - Aristocrats - Aggro
r-g - Go-Wide - Midrange
g-w - +1/+1 Counters Matter - Midrange
w-b - 3 MV Matters - Fast Midrange?
b-g - Graveyard Selfmill - Midrange
g-u - Miracle Grow - Fast Midgange?
u-r - Draw-Your-Second-Card - Control?
r-w - Equipment - Aggro

I can only guess how w-b and u-g will play as they are fresh archetypes to the cube. u-r should play better as a control deck, but whether the deck gets drafted that way is yet to be seen.

I'm off to draft this a bunch, and the tweaking will begin!

Mainboard Changelist
+102, -0
Mainboard Changelist
+0, -1